Hi, i want to change the logging level dynamically by another java class.
step1: we have written a logger, in this class. we are using the log4j.properties for logger configuration (http://camel.apache.org/how-do-i-use-log4j.html) public class MyLoggingSentEventNotifer extends EventNotifierSupport { public void notify(EventObject event) throws Exception { if (event instanceof ExchangeSentEvent) { ExchangeSentEvent sent = (ExchangeSentEvent) event; String endpoint = sent.getEndpoint() +""; if(endpoint.startsWith("Endpoint[cxf")){ log.info("Operation name : "+ ((ExchangeSentEvent) event).getExchange().getProperty("OPERATION_NAME") + " Took " + sent.getTimeTaken() + " millis to send to: " + sent.getEndpoint() ); } else { log.debug("Operation name : "+ ((ExchangeSentEvent) event).getExchange().getProperty("OPERATION_NAME") + " Took " + sent.getTimeTaken() + " millis to send to: " + sent.getEndpoint() ); } } } public boolean isEnabled(EventObject event) { // we only want the sent events return event instanceof ExchangeSentEvent; } protected void doStart() throws Exception { // noop } protected void doStop() throws Exception { // noop } } step2: we want to change the logging mechanism dynamically by another interface. can anyone please explain me, what are ways to achieve it? Thanks, Murali -- View this message in context: http://camel.465427.n5.nabble.com/how-to-change-the-logging-level-dynamically-tp5791782.html Sent from the Camel - Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.