
I wonder if someone could push me in the right direction trying to express
quite curious case in Camel route.

Imagine there's a stream of messages some of which can be processed in
parallel and some have to be processed serially. You can group the messages
that require serial processing together by looking at the message body. You
don't know upfront how many groups can occur in the stream.

The way I thought about doing this is having a route for each message
group. Since I don't know upfront how many and what groups there will be
then I would need to create routes dynamically. If a message comes
belonging to a group that doesn't have it's handling route, then i could
create it (is that even possible??) Then if there's no messages coming for
a given group in some time I could remove the route for the group to
cleanup (is that possible?)

New to Camel


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