
I'm trying to update from Camel 2.16.3 to 2.19.1 and experience issues using properties in the REST DSL in blueprint context.

I have the following config:

<rest path="patient/{patient_id}/events?cutoff_timestamp={cutoff_timestamp}&amp;limit={limit}" produces="application/json" consumes="application/json">
            <get bindingMode="off">
<param name="patient_id" type="path" dataType="string" required="true" /> <param name="cutoff_timestamp" type="query" dataType="long" required="false" /> <param name="limit" type="query" dataType="integer" required="false" defaultValue="{{vel.rest.default.rowlimit}}" />

For the param "limit" the property "{{vel.rest.default.rowlimit}}" used in attribute defaultValue seems not to get replaced as I receive the following exception:

   java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string:

I googled for known issues but didn't find anything. Has anything changed related to using properties in REST DSL? It previously worked (2.16.3) and in other places e.g. in the route the syntax "{{propertyName}}" works...


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