
I'm receiving messages from a JMS provider and need to control the
'acknowledgement' of the JMS messages depending on Exceptions I get from
the message processing Java bean.

On technical Exceptions (i.e. database currently not available) I don't
want to acknowledge the JMS message, so that it will be retrieved again and
again until the database connection is available again. This is handled by
setting the acknowledge mode 'SESSION_TRANSATED'. As soon as I have an
exception the JMS message will not be acknowledged and be available for the
'next try'.

But - on specific exceptions, I want to bypass the acknowledgement so that
the JMS message will be acknowledged, even though the transaction will be
rolled back.
As an example: I do want to acknowledge the message on validation

I thought that setting the exception to 'handled = true' might solve the

public class JmsEndpointRoute extends RouteBuilder {

    public void configure() throws Exception {


public class ImportMessageRoute extends RouteBuilder {

    public void configure() throws Exception {


                                        .log("Import failed").handled(true);

        onException(Throwable.class).log("EXCEPTION -> rollback -> no

                                       .log("Message imported");

This does not work, the 'handled(true)' will be ignored in this scenario
and the message will not be acknowledged.

Is there another solution to handle this scenario?

Best regards, Andreas

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