
Typically it happens on CamelBlueprintTestSupport when you omit some OSGi
dependencies in pom.xml: It's not just Maven dependencies but also OSGi
bundle imports/exports. Typically a successful camel blueprint test has a
felix maven-bundle-plugin configuration and the import/export packages
declarations like these:

Hope this helps.

On Tue, Feb 13, 2018 at 9:41 AM, Harrison Tarr <harrison.t...@connexta.com>

> Hi,
> I just heard about "camel-test-blueprint" today and I started using it. I
> was able to get a feel for it by using a contrived Camel route in a
> blueprint.xml and everything worked as expected. I'm now trying to test
> "real" camel routes in my products blueprint.xml, but I'm getting a
> RuntimeException: "Gave up waiting for BlueprintContainer". Any ideas what
> causes that? I'm at a loss, even after Google.
> Best Regards,
> Harrison Tarr

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