True that, this works:

    <bean class="org.apache.camel.dataformat.beanio.BeanIODataFormat" 
        <property name="encoding" value="UTF-8"/>
        <property name="mapping" value="mapping.xml"/>
        <property name="streamName" value="some_stream_name"/>
    <camelContext id="camel" useBreadcrumb="false" xmlns="";>
            <!-- beanio id="some_bean_id" mapping="mapping.xml" 
            <json id="jack" library="Jackson"/>
    . . .
This gives >>java.lang.NullPointerException: charset<< (without your fix):

    <camelContext id="camel" useBreadcrumb="false" xmlns="";>
            <beanio id="some_bean_id" mapping="mapping.xml" 
streamName="some_stream_name" encoding="UTF-8"/> 
            <json id="jack" library="Jackson"/>
    . . .
This falls apart when message encounters diacritic signs in UTF-8, if 
stream is fixedlength:

    <camelContext id="camel" useBreadcrumb="false" xmlns="";>
            <beanio id="some_bean_id" mapping="mapping.xml" 
            <json id="jack" library="Jackson"/>
Thank you Claus.

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