Thanks so much Zoran, 

I've been able to actually get this working using properties place holder.  I 
found Claus's answer to a similar question on net. Lots of digging but I 
finally found it. 
my quest for info and answers didn't go deep enough. I found this was already 
encounted and answered by Claus Ibsen. Please see if you run in to this need.

Validation error with integer property (camel)

under section "Using Property Placeholders for Any Kind of Attribute in the XML 

here is what I did following these instructions.

added property prefix namespace 

then modified the tokenize attribute

<tokenize token="\n" prop:group="noOfLines" />
I'm using the property placeholder

<cm:property-placeholder persistent-id="" />

this works like a charm. thank you Claus and Zoran

Gary Lee Mills
GE Middleware Engineer
Work:  331-777-2318
Cell:     630-607-9639

-----Original Message-----
From: Zoran Regvart [] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2018 4:38 AM
To: Mills, Gary (GE Digital) <>;
Subject: EXT: Config parameters in splitter group attribute, was: Re: 
camel-atmosphere-websocket + TomEE

Hi Gary,
I think you can use property placeholders for `group` in version 2.20 onwards. 
The support for that was added in CAMEL-11421[1].



On Fri, May 18, 2018 at 5:35 PM, Mills, Gary (GE Digital) <> 
> can you inject a value from the config params file in to the splitter group 
> attribute? if so, what is the proper way of doing it? thanks!
> Is this possible? What am I doing wrong? Thank you!
> <split streaming="true" >
> <tokenize token="\n" group="{{noOfLines}}" /> <log message="Split 
> Group Body: ${body}"/>
>     <to uri="bean:extractHeader" />
>     <to id="acceptedFileType" ref="pConsumer" /> </split>
> <split streaming="true" >
> <tokenize token="\n" group={{noOfLines}} /> <log message="Split Group 
> Body: ${body}"/>
>     <to uri="bean:extractHeader" />
>     <to id="acceptedFileType" ref="pConsumer" /> </split>
> Gary Lee Mills
> Work:  331-777-2318

Zoran Regvart

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