
yes we use camel-spring-javaconfig. And the unit tests work with the use 
of CamelSpringDelegatingTestContextLoader. We just wonder why it is 
deprecated, because at the moment there is no other way to get the tests 
running (without xml). Only for xml-configuration there exists the class 
CamelSpringTestContextLoader (CamelTestContextBootstrapper).

Even in the unit tests for camel-spring-javaconfig the 
CamelSpringDelegatingTestContextLoader class ist still in use...(

Best regards...

Von:    Claus Ibsen <claus.ib...@gmail.com>
An:     users@camel.apache.org
Datum:  30.07.2018 17:05
Betreff:        Re: Question for 


Are you using camel-spring-javaconfig ?
Have you look in its unit tests what it does to test itself.

Its likely something we would deprecate in the future, to keep the
maintenance low. Also not so many users are using it.

And what problem do you have, if you use the deprecated class does it 

On Fri, Jul 27, 2018 at 2:03 PM,  <bjoern....@provinzial.de> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> we have updated to Camel 2.21.2. In our unit-tests we don't use
> xml-configuration, just java-configuration. We noticed, that the class
> 'CamelSpringDelegatingTestContextLoader' is marked as deprecated. But at 
> moment it is not possible for us to get our java-config-tests running
> without the class. Is there a way? Enclosed an example:
> ---------------
> package camel.test;
> import java.util.Collections;
> import java.util.List;
> import org.apache.camel.CamelContext;
> import org.apache.camel.EndpointInject;
> import org.apache.camel.ExchangePattern;
> import org.apache.camel.Produce;
> import org.apache.camel.ProducerTemplate;
> import org.apache.camel.builder.RouteBuilder;
> import org.apache.camel.component.mock.MockEndpoint;
> import org.apache.camel.spring.javaconfig.CamelConfiguration;
> import 
> import org.apache.camel.test.spring.CamelSpringRunner;
> import org.apache.camel.test.spring.MockEndpoints;
> import org.junit.Test;
> import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
> import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
> import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
> import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
> import org.springframework.test.context.ContextConfiguration;
> import camel.test.SimpleTest.SimpleConfiguration;
> @RunWith(CamelSpringRunner.class)
> //@BootstrapWith(CamelTestContextBootstrapper.class)
> @ContextConfiguration(classes = { SimpleConfiguration.class }, loader =
> CamelSpringDelegatingTestContextLoader.class)
> @MockEndpoints("seda:*")
> public class SimpleTest {
>         @Configuration
>         public static class SimpleConfiguration
>                         extends CamelConfiguration {
>                 @Override
>                 public List<RouteBuilder> routes() {
>                         return Collections.singletonList(new 
>                 }
>         }
>         @Component
>         public static class SimpleRoute
>                         extends RouteBuilder {
>                 @Override
>                 public void configure() throws Exception {
> this.from("direct:in").log("log").to(ExchangePattern.InOnly, 
>                 }
>         }
>         @Autowired
>         public CamelContext camelContext;
>         @Produce(uri = "direct:in")
>         protected ProducerTemplate testProducer;
>         @EndpointInject(uri = "mock:seda:out")
>         protected MockEndpoint sedaMock;
>         @Test
>         public void test() throws InterruptedException {
>                 this.sedaMock.expectedMessageCount(1);
>                 this.testProducer.sendBody("Message");
>                 MockEndpoint.assertIsSatisfied(this.camelContext);
>         }
> }

Claus Ibsen
http://davsclaus.com @davsclaus
Camel in Action 2: https://www.manning.com/ibsen2

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