Hello guys,

I've a route with onException, which sends the message to rabbitMQ, and
another route listening rabbit to call a processor and get the exception
thrown. I'm able to reach this processor, but i'm not able to get the
exception thrown.

I've tried with the <handled> property set to false, and with
transferException=true query param on the endpoint uri's, but without luck.

On the "processorToGetExceptionData" i have tried both
"exchange.getException()" and
"exchange.getProperty(Exchange.EXCEPTION_CAUGHT, Exception.class)", again
without luck.

Above are the (simplified) routes definitions:

<route id="route1">
    <from uri="rabbitmq:myExchange?queue=start&amp;routingKey=start"/>
            <redeliveryPolicy maximumRedeliveries="2"
redeliveryDelay="5000" retryAttemptedLogLevel="WARN"/>
            <setHeader headerName="rabbitmq.ROUTING_KEY">
            <to uri="rabbitmq:myExchange?skipQueueDeclare=true"/>
    <process ref="processorThatThrowsSomeException"/>
     <to uri="anyEndpoint" />

<route id="route2">
    <process ref="processorToGetExceptionData"/>
    <to uri="anotherEndpoint"/>

Any ideas on what could be wrong ?

Thanks in advance,
Alessandro Hoss

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