Hi All,
I am new to message brokers. I successfully completed a POC using Spring
Reactor Netty Stomp client (Spring messaging framework) to connect to
RabbitMQ on port 61613 (port dedicated for STOMP). That was just a POC. Now
i have to build something concrete to be able to deploy in prod
environments. I was googling Spring Messaging Vs Spring Integration and
stumbled upon Apache Camel.
My question is: Can Apache camel be used to connect to RabbitMQ on port

I read camel documents:
1. RabbitMQ component page talks about port 5672 and that is AMQP
2. STOMP component page talks about ActiveMQ

I did not see any examples or documentation regarding Camel in conjunction
with RabbitMQ and STOMP.

I went ahead and tried establishing STOMP connection with RabbitMQ as
mentioned below:


I am getting an exception:

 org.apache.camel.FailedToCreateRouteException: Failed to create route
route1: Route(route1)[[From[stomp:queue:test?brokerURL=tcp://localho...
because of Failed to resolve endpoint:
due to: Failed to resolve endpoint:
due to: There are 3 parameters that couldn't be set on the endpoint. Check
the uri if the parameters are spelt correctly and that they are properties
of the endpoint. Unknown parameters=[{brokerURL=tcp://localhost:61613,
login=guest, passcode=guest}]

What is the right way to establish STOMP connection with RabbitMQ?



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