Dear Camel Users,

Because I’m having trouble closing a Camel Context correctly, I’m sending
this mailing list an email.

I’ve started by creating a StackOverflow question here:

To me, it looks like either a bug, or me doing something wrong. Because the
Camel Support Page said questions here were preferred over submitting a bug
right away the question is as follows (Which is a summary of the
StackOverflow question):

It seems that my attempts at closing the CamelContext are not working for
my runs where the JVM is not restarted.

>From each previously closed CamelContext, this error is printed every 5

TemporaryQueueReplyManager[queueName]] ERROR
o.a.c.c.j.DefaultJmsMessageListenerContainer - Could not refresh JMS
Connection for destination 'temporary' - retrying using
FixedBackOff{interval=5000, currentAttempts=26, =unlimited}. : null

Because each of my tests in a single class starts its own Embedded ActiveMQ
broker and CamelContext, the number of the above mentioned error goes up to
about 12 per 5 seconds which is very polluting to my logging.

In the post are some attempts I’ve made to get either the error to not be
shown or the CamelContext to be closed correctly

My hope is to hear from anyone who can help me resolve the issue or tell me
that its best to submit a bug report for this.

Kind regards,

Emiel Hermsen

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