
  Not sure I get the overall test scenario, but I think it's expected.
"producerTemplate.send("jms:sahara", new Processor() {" is actually sending
a message with MEP InOnly.
So you get the exchange back before "jms:sahara" as treated the message,
and thus can't assert any side effect from jms:sahara route.

  producerTemplate.request(...) should set the MEP to InOut early enough so
that your test is ok.


On Thu, Feb 20, 2020 at 3:47 AM Marci Wilken <> wrote:

> The problem or my mis-understanding is in the producertemplate in the
> Junit tests
> In the actual code when calling from one route to the other
> to(jms:Sahara) header.test = foo
> from(jms:Sahara)...  with MEP inout
> /* do some cool stuff */
> Back to the previous  returns the correct message/exchange header.test =
> bar
> what is not happening from the junit test is Exchange reply
> =producerTemplate.send(new Processor etc )
>        @Test
>            @InSequence(15)
>            public void testProcessingRun() throws Exception {
>        "\r\n\r\n----->>  Begin testProcessingRun()
> <<-----");
>                   jobID = -1;
>                  ArrayList<Map<String,Object>> rtnArray = null;
>                    MockEndpoint mock =
> camelctx.getEndpoint("mock:SaharaCoreTestResult", MockEndpoint.class);
>                    assertNotNull("Expected mock:SaharaCoreTestResult to
> exist", mock);
>                    mock.reset();
>                    mock.expectedMessageCount(1);
>                  // this is the problem
>                    ProducerTemplate producerTemplate =
> camelctx.createProducerTemplate();
>                    Map<String, Object> headers = new HashMap<String,
> Object>();
>                    Exchange exchange=
> producerTemplate.send("jms:sahara", new Processor() {
>                        public void process(final Exchange exchange) {
>                          headers.put("test", "foo");
>                          Map<String, Object> payload = new
> HashMap<String, Object>();
>                          exchange.getIn().setHeaders(headers);
>                        exchange.getIn().setBody(payload);
>                        exchange.setPattern(ExchangePattern.InOut);
>                        }
>                    });
>                  assertThat("header is not bar",
> reply.getIn().getHeader("test"), equalTo("bar")) <--- this fails
>                  assertThat("header is not bar",
> reply.getOut().getHeader("test"), equalTo("bar")) <--- this fails
>                  List<Exchange> list = mock.getReceivedExchanges();
>                  assertThat("Expected exhange to return",
> list.size(),greaterThan(0));
>                  Exchange mockReply = list.get(0);
>                  assertThat("header is not bar", mockReply
> .getIn().getHeader("test"), equalTo("bar")) <--- this works
>                  MockEndpoint.assertIsSatisfied(5L, TimeUnit.SECONDS,
> mock);
>      "----->>  testProcessingRun Complete <<-----");
>            }
> > +1 for getMessage() :)
> >
> > On Mon, Feb 17, 2020 at 11:18 AM Giovanni Condello <
> >> wrote:
> >
> >> Hi Marci,
> >>
> >> to add on what Alex said, I found it's always better to use either
> >> getMessage() or to explicitly check if the exchange hasOut() instead of
> >> assuming getIn() is always the right place to look for data coming out
> of a
> >> component
> >>
> >> Giovanni
> >>
> >> -----Messaggio originale-----
> >> Da: Alex Dettinger <>
> >> Inviato: lunedì 17 febbraio 2020 11:04
> >> A:
> >> Oggetto: Re: ProducerTemplate.request() not returning complete Exchange
> >>
> >> Hi Marci,
> >>
> >>    I would say that from("jms:Sahara")... has MEP InOUt so In message
> with
> >> header "foo", and OUT message with header "bar".
> >>
> >>    So assertThat(“return should be
> >> bar”,reply.get*Out/Message*().getHeader(“test”),equalTo(“bar”)
> >> should be ok.
> >>
> >> Alex
> >>
> >> On Mon, Feb 17, 2020 at 11:02 AM Alex Dettinger <>
> >> wrote:
> >>
> >>> Hi Marci,
> >>>
> >>>    I would say that from("jms:Sahara")... has MEP InOUt so In message
> >>> with header "foo", and OUT mess
> >>>
> >>> On Fri, Feb 14, 2020 at 11:43 PM Marci <> wrote:
> >>>
> >>>>   I understand that the new Processor(){} is for the message being
> >>>> sent to the consumers (from(route)) and this is working fine.
> >>>> What I am not understanding is why the ProducerTemplate.request() is
> >>>> not returning an exchange back at the end of the route.
> >>>> For example.
> >>>> Exchange reply = producerTemplate.request("jms:Sahara", new
> Processor()
> >> {
> >>>>          public void process(final Exchange exchange) {
> >>>>          exchange.getIn().setHeader(“test”,”foo”)
> >>>>          }
> >>>> Route
> >>>>       From(jms:Sahara”)
> >>>>            .log(LoggingLevel.INFO,"* Test ID: ${header.test}" )
> >>>>            .setHeader(“test”,”bar”);
> >>>> end route
> >>>>
> >>>> assertThat(“return should be
> >>>> bar”,reply.getIn().getHeader(“test”),equalTo(“bar”)
> >>>> but it is still “foo”
> >>>> This is failing when  it should pass
> >>>>
> >>>> Maybe I’m reading these wrong
> >>>>  From
> >>>> Exchange        request(Endpoint endpoint, Processor processor)
> >>>> Sends an exchange to an endpoint using a supplied processor Uses an
> >>>> ExchangePattern.InOut message exchange pattern.
> >>>>
> >>>> from the camel apache org website
> >>>> request*() methods
> >>>>
> >>>> The send*() methods use the default Message Exchange Pattern (InOnly,
> >>>> InOut etc) as the endpoint. If you want to explicitly perform a
> >>>> request/response (InOut) you can use the request*() methods instead
> >>>> of the
> >>>> send*() methods.
> >>>>
> >>>> E.g. let’s invoke an endpoint and get the response:
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>> Camel › Camel - Users › Camel - Users kilidarria
> >>>>> Re: ProducerTemplate.request() not returning complete Exchange.
> >>>>> ‹ Previous Topic Next Topic ›
> >>>> classic         Classic         list    List    threaded
> Threaded
> >>>>   X  Turn off highlighting 1 message Options Options
> >>>>
> >>>> Classic Threaded   Reply   More   Close
> >>>> Jan 15, 2020; 12:34am Claus Ibsen-2 Claus Ibsen-2 Re:
> >>>> ProducerTemplate.request() not returning complete Exchange.
> >>>> Hi
> >>>>
> >>>> The new Processor(){ } in the request method of the producer template
> >>>> is not for the reply message, but for preparing the message to send
> >>>> (eg the input message).
> >>>>
> >>>> On Tue, Jan 14, 2020 at 9:16 PM Wilken Marci J < [hidden email]>
> >>>> wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>>> Based on the documentation I was reading the
> >>>>> ProducerTemplate.request(<URL>, Processor) should return the
> >>>>> Exchange information from the route that was called.  When I am
> >>>>> running my test
> >>>> on
> >>>>> this it is returning the body information in the
> >>>>> exchange.getOut().getBody() but the exchange.getOut().getHeaders()
> >>>>> has
> >>>> the
> >>>>> headers that I sent and not returned headers that I see if I look
> >>>>> at the mock endpoint.  I am expecting it to return the header and
> >>>>> body data in
> >>>> the
> >>>>> Exchange.getIn().  Since this test is calling a jms message Queue
> >>>> (JBoss
> >>>>> EAP 7.2 Fuse 7.3) I am expecting this to return the same thing as
> >>>>> the a call from another route would see.  Am I understanding this
> >>>>> wrong or am
> >>>> I
> >>>>> missing a setting?
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *public void testConnection() throws Exception {*
> >>>>>
> >>>>> * <>("----->>  Begin testConnection
> >>>>> <<-----");*
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *       Assert.assertNotNull("Expected QueueRoute-context to exist",
> >>>>> camelctx);*
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *       Assert.assertEquals(ServiceStatus.Started,
> >>>> camelctx.getStatus());*
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *       MockEndpoint mock = camelctx.getEndpoint("mock:JobLogResult",
> >>>>> MockEndpoint.class);*
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *       assertNotNull("Expected mock:JobLogResult to exist", mock);*
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *       mock.reset();*
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *       mock.expectedMessageCount(1);*
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *       ProducerTemplate producerTemplate =
> >>>>> camelctx.createProducerTemplate();*
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *       Assert.assertNotNull("Expected producerTemplate to exist",
> >>>>> producerTemplate);*
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *       Exchange reply =
> >>>>> producerTemplate.request("jms:queue:Sahara.Core.JobIdRequest", new
> >>>>> Processor() {*
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *              public void process(final Exchange exchange) {*
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *                     Map<String, Object> headers = new
> >> HashMap<String,
> >>>>> Object>();*
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *                     headers.put("RequestingSource",
> >>>> requestingSource);*
> >>>>> *                     headers.put("AuthorizationKey",
> >>>> authorizationKey);*
> >>>>> *                     headers.put("RequestType", "testConnection");*
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *                     Map<String, Object> payload = new
> >> HashMap<String,
> >>>>> Object>();*
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *                     exchange.getIn().setHeaders(headers);*
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *                     exchange.getIn().setBody(payload);*
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *                     exchange.setPattern(ExchangePattern.InOut);*
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *              }*
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *       });*
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *       // these fail*
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *       assertThat("Request was un-successful", (
> >>>>> reply.getIn().getHeader("SQLErrorMessage") == null ? "null"
> >>>>> :((String)reply.getIn().getHeader("SQLErrorMessage"))).toLowerCase(
> >>>>> )
> >>>>> ,equalTo("success"));*
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *       assertThat("Didn't Return Data ", (int)
> >>>>> reply.getIn().getHeader("CamelSqlRowCount"),equalTo(1));*
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *       // these are successfull.*
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *       List<Exchange> list = mock.getReceivedExchanges();*
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *       Exchange reply2 = list.get(0);*
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *       assertThat("Request was un-successful", (
> >>>>> reply2.getIn().getHeader("SQLErrorMessage") == null ? "null"
> >>>>> :((String)reply2.getIn().getHeader("SQLErrorMessage"))).toLowerCase
> >>>>> ()
> >>>>> ,equalTo("success"));*
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *       assertThat("Didn't Return Data ", (int)
> >>>>> reply2.getIn().getHeader("CamelSqlRowCount"),equalTo(1));*
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *}*
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *Route*
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *from("jms:queue:Sahara.Core.JobIdRequest?exchangePattern=InOut")*
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *      .routeId("JobLogRouter")*
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *
> >>>>>
> >>>> .log(LoggingLevel.INFO,"*********************************************
> >>>> ****")
> >>>>> *
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *       .log(LoggingLevel.INFO,"* Beginning JobAuditingRequest")*
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *       .log(LoggingLevel.INFO,"* Requesting Source:
> >>>>> ${header.RequestingSource} " )*
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *       .log(LoggingLevel.INFO,"* Request Type: ${header.RequestType}
> >> "
> >>>> )*
> >>>>> *
> >>>>>
> >>>> .log(LoggingLevel.INFO,"*********************************************
> >>>> ****")
> >>>>> *
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *       .choice()    *
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *              .when(simple ("${header.RequestType} ==
> >> \"complete\""))*
> >>>>> *                     .to("direct:CompleteJob")*
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *                     .endChoice()*
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *
> >>>>> .when().simple("${header.RequestType?.equalsIgnoreCase(\"audit\")}"
> >>>>> )*
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *                     .to("direct:LogAudit")*
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *                     .endChoice()*
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *              .when(simple ("${header.RequestType} == \"error\""))*
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *                     .to("direct:LogError")*
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *                     .endChoice()*
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *
> >>>>> .when().simple("${header.RequestType?.equalsIgnoreCase(\"whoami\")}
> >>>>> ")*
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *                 .to("direct:WhoAmI")*
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *                 .endChoice()*
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *
> >>>>>
> >>>> .when().simple("${header.RequestType?.equalsIgnoreCase(\"testConnecti
> >>>> on\")}")*
> >>>>> *                 .to("direct:ConnectionTest")*
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *                 .endChoice()*
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *
> >>>>> .when().simple("${header.RequestType?.equalsIgnoreCase(\"start\")}
> >>>>> ||
> >>>>> ${header.RequestType?.equalsIgnoreCase(\"open\")}")*
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *                 .to("direct:InitialJobRequest")*
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *                 .endChoice()   *
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *              .otherwise()*
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *                     .process(new Processor() {*
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *                           public void process(Exchange exchange)
> >>>> throws
> >>>>> Exception {*
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *                       //     Message in = exchange.getIn();*
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *                                  Map<String, Object> payload = new
> >>>>> HashMap<String, Object>();*
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *
> exchange.setOut(exchange.getIn());*
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *                                  payload = (Map<String,Object>)
> >>>>> exchange.getIn().getBody();*
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *                                  payload.put("whoami", "I am " +
> >>>>> getContext().resolvePropertyPlaceholders("{{whoami}}") );*
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *                                  payload.put("SQLErrorMessage", "No
> >>>>> Choice Provided");*
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *                                  payload.put("SQLErrorNumber",
> -1);*
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *
> >> exchange.getOut().setBody(payload);*
> >>>>> *
> >>>>> exchange.getOut().setHeader("RequestType", "failed");*
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *                                  }*
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *                     })*
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *                     .endChoice()*
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *       .end()*
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *       .process(new Processor() {*
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *              public void process(Exchange exchange) throws
> Exception
> >>>> {*
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *                     exchange.setOut(exchange.getIn());*
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *
> >>>>>
> >>>> exchange.getOut().setHeader("BodyType",exchange.getIn().getBody().get
> >>>> Class().getName());*
> >>>>> *                     exchange.getOut().setHeader("BodyEncoding",
> >>>> "JSON");*
> >>>>> *                     String payloadJson = new
> >>>>> ObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(exchange.getIn().getBody());*
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *                     log.debug(payloadJson);*
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *                     exchange.getOut().setBody(payloadJson);*
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *              }*
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *       })*
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *       .log(LoggingLevel.INFO, "Request results Job ID Request :
> \r\n
> >>>>> Header:  ${headers} \r\n Body:  ${body} ")*
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *       .to("mock:JobLogResult")*
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *          .onException(Exception.class)*
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *              .setHeader("MESSAGE_INFO", constant("Failure to
> Process
> >>>>> Audit Job"))*
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *              .setHeader("ROUTE_STOP", constant(Boolean.TRUE))*
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *              .log(LoggingLevel.ERROR, "${exception.stackTrace}")*
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *              .maximumRedeliveries("0")*
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *              .redeliveryDelay("0")*
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *              .id("_onExceptionCron")*
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *              .handled(true)*
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *              ;*
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *       ;*
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> * from("direct:ConnectionTest")*
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *       .routeId("ConnectionTest")*
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *       .log(LoggingLevel.INFO, "Beginning Connection Test")*
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *       .log(LoggingLevel.INFO,"whoami ->> {{whoami}}")*
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *       .log(LoggingLevel.INFO, "Request: \r\n Header:  ${headers}
> >> \r\n
> >>>>> Body:  ${body} ")*
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *       .to("sql:select name from sys.sysusers where uid =
> >>>>> 0?dataSource=#Sahara_DS")*
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *       .log(LoggingLevel.INFO, "Request Result: \r\n Header:
> >>>> ${headers}
> >>>>> \r\n Body:  ${body} ")*
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *       .process(new Processor() {*
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *              public void process(Exchange exchange) throws
> Exception
> >>>> {*
> >>>>> *              Map<String, Object> payload = new HashMap<String,
> >>>>> Object>();*
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *              exchange.setOut(exchange.getIn());*
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *              ArrayList<Map<String,Object>> body =
> >>>>> (ArrayList<Map<String,Object>>)  exchange.getIn().getBody();*
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *              payload.put("whoami", "I am " +
> >>>>> getContext().resolvePropertyPlaceholders("{{whoami}}") );*
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *              body.add(payload);*
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *              exchange.getOut().setBody(body);*
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *              exchange.getOut().setHeader("RequestType",
> >> "complete");*
> >>>>> *              exchange.getOut().setHeader("SQLErrorMessage",
> >>>> "Success");*
> >>>>> *       }*
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *       })*
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *       .onException(SQLException.class)*
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *              .setHeader("MESSAGE_INFO", constant("Sql Connection
> >>>>> Error"))*
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *              .setHeader("ROUTE_STOP", constant(Boolean.TRUE))*
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *              .log(LoggingLevel.ERROR, "${exception.stackTrace}")*
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *              .maximumRedeliveries("0")*
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *              .redeliveryDelay("0")*
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *              .id("_onExceptionConnectionTest")*
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *              .handled(false)*
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *       ;*
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Regards-
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Marci Wilken
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Operations Architect
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Office of Information Services
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> 503.378.2405
> >>>>>
> >>>>> [image: Description: Description: Description:
> >>>>> cid:image001.png@01CCF13E.2FACEC70][image: OHAsiglogo]
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> *This email may contain information that is privileged,
> >>>>> confidential, or otherwise exempt from disclosure under applicable
> >>>>> law. If you are not
> >>>> the
> >>>>> addressee or it appears from the context or otherwise that you have
> >>>>> received this email in error, please advise me immediately by reply
> >>>> email,
> >>>>> keep the contents confidential, and immediately delete the message
> >>>>> and
> >>>> any
> >>>>> attachments from your system. *
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>> «  [hide part of quote]
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> --
> >>>> Claus Ibsen
> >>>> -----------------
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