
Using Camel 3.4.0, in my unit test, I am trying to configure the shutdown 
timeout doing the following:
   public class MyTest extends CamelTestSupport {
                . . . 

        protected CamelContext createCamelContext() throws Exception {
                CamelContext result = super.createCamelContext();


                return result;

However,  I still see the default timeout of 10 seconds in the logs:

2020-08-17 20:58:16,726 [main] INFO  
org.apache.camel.impl.engine.DefaultShutdownStrategy  - Starting to graceful 
shutdown 1 routes (timeout 10 seconds)

Any idea how to properly configure the shutdown timeout?

Also, I would like to know how  to do it with Blueprint XML

Best regards,
Alex soto

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