   Can you please share maven repo setting using which I can directly use 
snapshot version of compiled jar file. I found compiling camel was a big task 
which I want to avoid. I will also give it a try. If possible springboot 
camel-salesforce-starter will be preferred, then I can try running the 
production code directly with snapshot version in lower environment.

Thanks and Regards,
Hemang Ajmera

-----Original Message-----
From: Jean-Baptiste Onofre <j...@nanthrax.net> 
Sent: 18 December 2020 18:24
To: Dev <d...@camel.apache.org>
Cc: users@camel.apache.org; Andy Stebbing <stebbingtow...@gmail.com>; Ajmera, 
Hemang C <hemang.ajm...@cgi.com>
Subject: Re: Salesforce streaming issue

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Thanks for the update Zoran.

I gonna take a look and test.


> Le 18 déc. 2020 à 13:12, Zoran Regvart <zo...@regvart.com> a écrit :
> Hi Cameleers,
> this has been targeted for releases 3.7.1 and 3.8.0, if you can, it 
> would be of great help to test this before we release.
> zoran
> On Wed, Dec 16, 2020 at 3:44 PM Zoran Regvart <zo...@regvart.com> wrote:
>> Hi Cameleers,
>> I've created a PR[1], which I think fixes the problem, I encourage 
>> folk to provide feedback and test on your end if possible.
>> I've tested with the `SubscriptionHelperIntegrationTest`. And manually by:
>> 1/ Starting a streaming app with the route:
>> from("salesforce:Account?sObjectName=Account&rawPayload=true&sObjectQ
>> uery=SELECT
>> Id, Name FROM Account")¬
>> .log(LoggingLevel.INFO, "salesforce", "${body}")
>> 2/ creating an Account record, and noticing the output in the 
>> log/console from the `log` component
>> 3/ rejecting traffic to Salesforce using iptables:
>> $ iptables -A OUTPUT -d -j REJECT
>> 4/ disrupting the established connection using ss:
>> $ ss -K dst # or whatever IP was in the output of lsof 
>> -p $PID -a -i 6 -n
>> 5/ noticing the messages in the log with back-off like:
>> Connect failure: {failure={exception=java.io.EOFException:
>> HttpConnectionOverHTTP@45d7880c::DecryptedEndPoint@621bd87d{l=/,r=eu18.salesforce.com/
>> Restarting on unexpected disconnect from Salesforce...
>> Handshake failure: {failure={exception=java.net.ConnectException:
>> Connection refused, message={...
>> Handshake failure: {failure={exception=java.net.ConnectException:
>> Connection refused, message={...
>> 5/ allowing traffic to Salesforce (removing the rule):
>> $ iptables -D OUTPUT 4 # happens to be 4th rule that I've added in 
>> 3/, check with iptables -L OUTPUT --line-numbers
>> 6/ seeing consumer reconnecting:
>> Set Replay extension to replay from `-1` for channel `/topic/Account` 
>> Subscribing to channel /topic/Account...
>> Successfully restarted!
>> Subscribed to channel /topic/Account
>> 7/ creating a new Account record, and seeing the message logged from 
>> the `log` component.
>> zoran
>> [1] 
>> https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://github.com/apache/camel/pull/4778
>> __;!!AaIhyw!_Vo0r3EhR2gpAnmiN1U-XwM3Z9ZaLIrFENHuHqbcLNhiY9FIm8ffp1i8c
>> --
>> Zoran Regvart
> --
> Zoran Regvart

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