Good afternoon. My name is Kiriil. I am Software Engineer on a Integration 
project and we use Apache Camel.

We have some problem with  NamedCassandraIdempotentRepository.

In my code we call the process inside the routing, then inside this process we 
call the route builder which is responsible for dynamic routing for ftp. And 
inside dynamic routing, we are using NamedCassandraIdempotentRepository.

The problem is that the NamedCassandraIdempotentRepository does not create a 
select request and returns null, as if it received null as arguments, but the 
values ​​of the login, context and keyspace are indicated to the arguments. I 
rummaged in the library and found in the class CassandraAgregationRepository 
the method confirm() that the exchange ID is included in the arguments, which 
may change when building dynamic routing somewhere inside the framework.

Please tell me how to get around this problem. Thank You.

С уважением,
Кирилл Тропин
Старший инженер
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