Wow, no replies.
Probably I have not gave a simple enough explanation.
Let's try to start to a simpler thing.
First problem: convert this file type to json using camel:
key1: value1\n
key2: value2\n

Can you give me some initial help?

On 2021/09/14 08:08:02, Mario Giammarco <> wrote: 
> Hi,
> I have used successfully Camel in the past.
> But again I want to use it in a message passing project to see if:
> - I can do with less lines of code comparing to using only Java
> - the readability of the code is improved (so I want to use all Camel 
> features and not write custom beans to do all the work)
> Basically the project is this: I want to do a Camel application that receives 
> Asterisk AMI messages from clients, modify them, and send them to several 
> Asterisk servers depending on enriched message content.
> Actually I have these problems:
> - Camel has an Asterisk component but it seems unused/unsupported/proof of 
> concept
> - The asterisk component is client only, so I need to create a socket server 
> and parse messages. Messages are like this:
> key: value \n
> key: value \n
> \n\n
>   I hoped I can parse a string message like this and convert to a Camel 
> message (java map) with camel marshallers but I cannot find the right one. Or 
> probably I need to do an aggregator until double newline but again it seems 
> too complex to me.
> - I need to keep a state (for example: message come from an authenticated 
> client) and again I do not see an easy example to follow.
> So I am asking your help and your suggestions!
> Thanks in advance for any help.
> Mario 

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