Claus Isben,

The reason for wanting a long receive timeout is to prevent the queue server 
from having high CPU usage.
Before using this long receiveTimeout setting we experienced very high CPU 
usage on our IBM MQ servers. After using a long receiveTimeout setting with IBM 
MQ JMS we greatly reduced the server CPU usage with no problems shutting down 
the camel application. Interestingly, IBM MQ java libraries supply an option 
for an unlimited receiveTimeout, but this is not available in camel so we went 
with a one hour setting instead.
Now we are also using Oracle AQ server for JMS. The receiveTimeout setting 
seems to create side-effect of long shutdown times with Oracle AQ. What are 
some recommended ways to reduced CPU usage on the queue server? I believe that 
jms consumer dynamic scaling is available using transactions only with ActiveMQ 
and no other queue managers.
Alex Mattern

-----Original Message-----
From: Claus Ibsen <> 
Sent: Thursday, October 7, 2021 10:24 AM
Subject: [EXTERNAL SENDER:] Re: camel-jms long receiveTimeout preventing 
shutdown with Oracle AQ


Do NOT use such a long receive timeout, that is not its purpose.
The timeout should be a reasonable value that allows camel-jms (eg spring jms) 
to react on shutdown or stopping, or reducing concurrent consumers if there are 
no more pending messages.

On Thu, Oct 7, 2021 at 3:05 PM Mattern, Alex <> 
> I would like Apache Camel to perform a graceful shutdown within the default 
> 45 seconds. After 45 seconds I would like the the shutdown to be forced.
> I normally expect the default 45 second timeout to work, but unfortunately it 
> does not seem to work when using a JMS component with a long receiveTimeout 
> on Oracle AQ.
> Context file snippet:
> <bean id="aqjms" class="org.apache.camel.component.jms.JmsComponent">
>     <property name="connectionFactory" ref="aqJmsConnectionFactory" />
>     <property name="transacted" value="true" />
>     <property name="transactionManager" ref="dbTransactionManager" /> 
> </bean>
> Stop Java Code:
> private org.apache.camel.spring.Main main;
> @Override
> public String call() throws Exception {
>     try {
>"Received stop command so stopping the server.");
>         stopApplication();
>     } catch (Exception e) {
>         throw new AnException("Error occurred while executing the STOP 
> command", e);
>     }
>     return "DONE";
> }
> public void stopApplication() {
>     try {
>         main.stop();
>     } catch (Exception e) {
>         System.out.println("Error stopping camel");
>     } finally {
>         System.exit(0);
>     }
> }
> @Override
> public String execute(CommandInput commandInput) {
>     // All tasks before graceful shut down goes here..
>     ExecutorService executor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();
>     FutureTask<String> ft= new FutureTask<String>(this);
>     executor.execute(ft);
>" Executed stop command asynchronously for JVM {}", 
> commandInput.getProcessName());
>     return "STOP";
> }
> Now if I set my Oracle AQ routes with a short receiveTimeout like this:
> aqjms://AQSCHEMA.SOME_AQ?concurrentConsumers=30
> jms://SOME_IBM_MQ?concurrentConsumers=20&receiveTimeout=3600000
> ...
> I get a quick camel shutdown.
> Tue May 11 10:15:37 EDT 2021    INFO    Executed stop command asynchronoulsy 
> for JVM SOMETHING  ClassWrapper{className='some.class'}    Camel 
> (camelContext) thread #6 - JmsConsumer[AN_IBM_MQ_TOPIC]
> Tue May 11 10:15:37 EDT 2021    INFO    Received stop command so stopping the 
> server.   ClassWrapper{className='some.class'}    pool-10638-thread-1
> Tue May 11 10:15:37 EDT 2021    INFO    CamelContext: camelContext has been 
> shutdown, triggering shutdown of the JVM.   
> ClassWrapper{className='org.apache.camel.main.MainLifecycleStrategy'}   
> pool-10638-thread-1
> Tue May 11 10:15:37 EDT 2021    INFO    Apache Camel 3.7.2 (camelContext) is 
> shutting down  
> ClassWrapper{className='org.apache.camel.impl.engine.AbstractCamelContext'} 
> pool-10638-thread-1
> Tue May 11 10:15:37 EDT 2021    INFO    Starting to graceful shutdown 120 
> routes (timeout 45 seconds)   
> ClassWrapper{className='org.apache.camel.impl.engine.DefaultShutdownStrategy'}
>   pool-10638-thread-1
> Tue May 11 10:15:37 EDT 2021    INFO    Route: first_route shutdown complete, 
> was consuming from: somewhere 
> ClassWrapper{className='org.apache.camel.impl.engine.DefaultShutdownStrategy'}
>   Camel (camelContext) thread #3 - ShutdownTask
> ...
> 119 more routes shutdown
> ...
> Tue May 11 10:15:38 EDT 2021    INFO    Graceful shutdown of 120 routes 
> completed in 1s337ms    
> ClassWrapper{className='org.apache.camel.impl.engine.DefaultShutdownStrategy'}
>   pool-10638-thread-1
> Tue May 11 10:15:38 EDT 2021    INFO    Apache Camel 3.7.2 (camelContext) 
> uptime 1d7h9m4s   
> ClassWrapper{className='org.apache.camel.impl.engine.AbstractCamelContext'} 
> pool-10638-thread-1
> Tue May 11 10:15:38 EDT 2021    INFO    Apache Camel 3.7.2 (camelContext) is 
> shutdown in 1s539ms    
> ClassWrapper{className='org.apache.camel.impl.engine.AbstractCamelContext'} 
> pool-10638-thread-1
> Tue May 11 10:15:38 EDT 2021    INFO    CamelContext: camelContext has been 
> shutdown, triggering shutdown of the JVM.   
> ClassWrapper{className='org.apache.camel.main.MainLifecycleStrategy'}   
> pool-10638-thread-1
> Tue May 11 10:15:38 EDT 2021    INFO    Received hangup signal, stopping the 
> main instance. 
> ClassWrapper{className='org.apache.camel.main.DefaultMainShutdownStrategy'} 
> Camel Thread #131 - CamelHangupInterceptor
> Now if I set my Oracle AQ route to have a long receiveTimeout like this:
> aqjms://AQSCHEMA.SOME_AQ?concurrentConsumers=30&receiveTimeout=3600000
> jms://SOME_IBM_MQ?concurrentConsumers=20&receiveTimeout=3600000
> ...
> I get a slow camel shutdown.
> Mon May 10 11:38:38 EDT 2021    INFO    Received stop command so stopping the 
> server.   ClassWrapper{className='some.class'}    pool-183-thread-1
> Mon May 10 11:38:38 EDT 2021    INFO    CamelContext: camelContext has been 
> shutdown, triggering shutdown of the JVM.   
> ClassWrapper{className='org.apache.camel.main.MainLifecycleStrategy'}   
> pool-183-thread-1
> Mon May 10 11:38:38 EDT 2021    INFO    Apache Camel 3.7.2 (camelContext) is 
> shutting down  
> ClassWrapper{className='org.apache.camel.impl.engine.AbstractCamelContext'} 
> pool-183-thread-1
> Mon May 10 11:38:38 EDT 2021    INFO    Starting to graceful shutdown 119 
> routes (timeout 45 seconds)   
> ClassWrapper{className='org.apache.camel.impl.engine.DefaultShutdownStrategy'}
>   pool-183-thread-1
> Mon May 10 11:38:38 EDT 2021    INFO    Route: first_route shutdown complete, 
> was consuming from: somewhere 
> ClassWrapper{className='org.apache.camel.impl.engine.DefaultShutdownStrategy'}
>   Camel (camelContext) thread #3 - ShutdownTask
> ...
> a couple more routes shutdown
> ...
> Mon May 10 11:39:23 EDT 2021    WARN    Timeout occurred during graceful 
> shutdown. Forcing the routes to be shutdown now. Notice: some resources may 
> still be running as graceful shutdown did not complete successfully.   
> ClassWrapper{className='org.apache.camel.impl.engine.DefaultShutdownStrategy'}
>   pool-183-thread-1
> Mon May 10 11:39:23 EDT 2021    WARN    Timeout occurred during graceful 
> shutdown. Forcing the routes to be shutdown now. Notice: some resources may 
> still be running as graceful shutdown did not complete successfully.   
> ClassWrapper{className='org.apache.camel.impl.engine.DefaultShutdownStrategy'}
>   pool-183-thread-1
> Mon May 10 11:39:23 EDT 2021    WARN    Setup of JMS message listener invoker 
> failed for destination 'AN_ORACLE_AQ_CONSUMER_ROUTE' - trying to recover. 
> Cause: JMS-257: receive(long timeout) of javax.jms.MessageConsumer took more 
> time than the network timeout configured at the java.sql.Connection.; nested 
> exception is java.sql.SQLRecoverableException: IO Error: Socket read 
> interrupted  
> ClassWrapper{className='org.apache.camel.component.jms.DefaultJmsMessageListenerContainer'}
>  Camel (camelContext) thread #120 - JmsConsumer[AN_ORACLE_AQ_CONSUMER_ROUTE]
> Mon May 10 11:39:23 EDT 2021    WARN    Setup of JMS message listener invoker 
> failed for destination 'AN_ORACLE_AQ_CONSUMER_ROUTE' - trying to recover. 
> Cause: JMS-257: receive(long timeout) of javax.jms.MessageConsumer took more 
> time than the network timeout configured at the java.sql.Connection.; nested 
> exception is java.sql.SQLRecoverableException: IO Error: Socket read 
> interrupted  
> ClassWrapper{className='org.apache.camel.component.jms.DefaultJmsMessageListenerContainer'}
>  Camel (camelContext) thread #120 - JmsConsumer[AN_ORACLE_AQ_CONSUMER_ROUTE]
> Mon May 10 11:39:23 EDT 2021    INFO    Route: another_route shutdown 
> complete, was consuming from: another_route   
> ClassWrapper{className='org.apache.camel.impl.engine.DefaultShutdownStrategy'}
>   Camel (camelContext) thread #3 - ShutdownTask
> ...
> about 63 more routes shutdown
> ...
> Mon May 10 12:06:25 EDT 2021    INFO    Route: AN_ORACLE_AQ_CONSUMER shutdown 
> complete, was consuming from: AN_ORACLE_AQ 
> ClassWrapper{className='org.apache.camel.impl.engine.DefaultShutdownStrategy'}
>  Camel (camelContext) thread #3 - ShutdownTask
> ...
> more routes shutdown
> ...
> Mon May 10 12:06:25 EDT 2021    INFO    Shut down complete. 
> ClassWrapper{className=''}
>  pool-183-thread-1
> Mon May 10 12:06:25 EDT 2021    INFO    Shut down complete. 
> ClassWrapper{className=''}
>  pool-183-thread-1
> Mon May 10 12:06:25 EDT 2021    INFO    Shut down complete. 
> ClassWrapper{className=''}
>  pool-183-thread-1
> Mon May 10 12:06:25 EDT 2021    INFO    Shut down complete. 
> ClassWrapper{className=''}
>  pool-183-thread-1
> Mon May 10 12:06:25 EDT 2021    INFO    Shut down complete. 
> ClassWrapper{className=''}
>  pool-183-thread-1
> Mon May 10 12:06:25 EDT 2021    INFO    Shut down complete. 
> ClassWrapper{className=''}
>  pool-183-thread-1
> Mon May 10 12:06:25 EDT 2021    INFO    Shut down complete. 
> ClassWrapper{className=''}
>  pool-183-thread-1
> ...
> the remainder of the routes shutdown
> ...
> Mon May 10 12:06:25 EDT 2021    INFO    Graceful shutdown of 119 routes 
> completed in 27m47s 
> ClassWrapper{className='org.apache.camel.impl.engine.DefaultShutdownStrategy'}
>   pool-183-thread-1
> Mon May 10 12:06:25 EDT 2021    INFO    Apache Camel 3.7.2 (camelContext) 
> uptime 9h0m7s 
> ClassWrapper{className='org.apache.camel.impl.engine.AbstractCamelContext'} 
> pool-183-thread-1
> Mon May 10 12:06:25 EDT 2021    INFO    Apache Camel 3.7.2 (camelContext) is 
> shutdown in 27m47s 
> ClassWrapper{className='org.apache.camel.impl.engine.AbstractCamelContext'} 
> pool-183-thread-1
> Mon May 10 12:06:25 EDT 2021    INFO    CamelContext: camelContext has been 
> shutdown, triggering shutdown of the JVM.   
> ClassWrapper{className='org.apache.camel.main.MainLifecycleStrategy'}   
> pool-183-thread-1
> Mon May 10 12:06:25 EDT 2021    INFO    Received hangup signal, stopping the 
> main instance. 
> ClassWrapper{className='org.apache.camel.main.DefaultMainShutdownStrategy'} 
> Camel Thread #135 - CamelHangupInterceptor
> From testing I have observed that the shutdown can take up to as long as the 
> length of the receiveTimeout of the Oracle AQ consumer route. A long 
> receiveTimeout with IBM MQ does not cause a delayed shutdown. I would like to 
> use the receiveTimeout to prevent overuse of the Oracle server cpu. I would 
> also like to shutdown my application in a short period of time.
> --
> Alex Mattern
> *************************** IMPORTANT 
> NOTE***************************** The opinions expressed in this message 
> and/or any attachments are those of the author and not necessarily those of 
> Brown Brothers Harriman & Co., its subsidiaries and affiliates ("BBH"). There 
> is no guarantee that this message is either private or confidential, and it 
> may have been altered by unauthorized sources without your or our knowledge. 
> Nothing in the message is capable or intended to create any legally binding 
> obligations on either party and it is not intended to provide legal advice. 
> BBH accepts no responsibility for loss or damage from its use, including 
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> **********************************************************************
> ********

Claus Ibsen
  @davsclaus Camel in Action 2:;!!KV6Wb-o!r0Hen9b3b6Klrj0iTKSEwmmCOF6VLJaJm6gxp8o3arpXWXNGW6aycF0v35V8UjBM$

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