Ok Antonin... this is what I'm trying:

But they are telling me to change the PodMonitor "selector", but this
definition is created by camel-k ... the only thing I can change is
the label of the PodMonitor resource according to the doc

I also can disable the PodMonitor with the trait -t
prometheus.pod-monitor=false... but this is not an option to me.... I
don't want to manage the PodMonitors each time I run an integration.

I'm running out of options...

On Tue, Nov 30, 2021 at 10:42 AM Antonin Stefanutti
<anto...@stefanutti.fr.invalid> wrote:
> As you've pointed it, the problem is that the Prometheus operator does not 
> update the prometheus configuration.
> That is consistent with why restarting fixes the issue, as it forces an 
> update.
> There may be some configuration parameters to update in the Prometheus 
> resource. It's strictly related to the Prometheus operator, so you'll have 
> better answer if you ask the Prometheus operator team directly.
> On 30 Nov 2021, at 14:34, Roberto Camelk 
> <betonetotbo.cam...@gmail.com<mailto:betonetotbo.cam...@gmail.com>> wrote:
> I created a simples integration and enabled the prometheus
> integration, as explained here:
> https://camel.apache.org/camel-k/1.4.x/observability/integration.html#_discovery
> Before that, I also configured my Prometheus operator resource, as
> explained here:
> https://camel.apache.org/camel-k/1.7.x/observability/monitoring.html#kubernetes
> The problem is...
> When I start my integration (platform/micro-profile-metrics2), and
> RESTART my prometheus operator it discovers my integration PodMonitor,
> and regenerate the prometheus config and sync it. This the the
> prometheus operator log:
> level=debug ts=2021-11-30T13:11:50.399141448Z caller=operator.go:1853
> component=prometheusoperator msg="selected PodMonitors"
> podmonitors=platform/micro-profile-metrics2,platform/create-role-route
> namespace=cattle-prometheus prometheus=cluster-monitoring
> level=debug ts=2021-11-30T13:11:50.42285181Z caller=operator.go:1677
> component=prometheusoperator msg="updating Prometheus configuration
> secret skipped, no configuration change"
> But, when I don't restart the prometheus operator and run a new
> integration in camel-k, the only thing in prometheus operator log is:
> level=debug ts=2021-11-30T13:16:08.094103259Z caller=operator.go:748
> component=prometheusoperator msg="PodMonitor updated"
> And even after a while, the prometheus operator never fire the
> prometheus config regeneration, and the prometheus never start to
> scrape the metrics of this new pod. Only if I restart the prometheus
> operator it starts to scrape the pod.

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