
You need to have slf4j-api installed in karaf as camel uses slf4j-api
for its logging.

On Tue, Jan 18, 2022 at 5:20 PM Daniel Langevin
<daniel.lange...@shq.gouv.qc.ca> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm on Karaf OSGI v. 4.3.3
> recently upgrade my environment to CAMEL.3.11.5 and and old BUG come back  
> with CAMEL-DNS.
> java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.slf4j.LoggerFactory not found by 
> org.apache.servicemix.bundles.dnsjava
> Reference: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SM-4761
> Missing org.slf4j  optional ???
> CAMEL-DNS headers
> headers 231
> camel-dns (231)
> ---------------
> Build-Jdk = 1.8.0_292
> Build-Jdk-Spec = 1.8
> Built-By = root
> Created-By = Apache Maven Bundle Plugin
> Implementation-Title = Camel :: DNS
> Implementation-URL = 
> https://camel.apache.org/camel-parent/components/camel-dns
> Implementation-Vendor = The Apache Software Foundation
> Implementation-Vendor-Id = org.apache.camel
> Implementation-Version = 3.11.5
> Manifest-Version = 1.0
> Specification-Title = Camel :: DNS
> Specification-Vendor = The Apache Software Foundation
> Specification-Version = 3.11.5
> Tool = Bnd-
> Karaf-Info = Camel;camel-dns=3.11.5
> Bundle-Description = Camel DNS support
> Bundle-DocURL = https://www.apache.org/
> Bundle-License = https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.txt
> Bundle-ManifestVersion = 2
> Bundle-Name = camel-dns
> Bundle-SymbolicName = org.apache.camel.camel-dns
> Bundle-Vendor = The Apache Software Foundation
> Bundle-Version = 3.11.5
> Provide-Capability =
> osgi.service;effective:=active;component=dns;objectClass=org.apache.camel.spi.ComponentResolver
> Require-Capability =
>         osgi.ee;filter:=(&(osgi.ee=JavaSE)(version=1.8))
> Export-Package =
>         org.apache.camel.component.dns;
>                 uses:="org.apache.camel,
>                         org.apache.camel.spi,
>                         org.apache.camel.spi.annotations,
>                         org.apache.camel.support,
>                         org.apache.camel.support.component";
>                 version=3.11.5,
> org.apache.camel.component.dns.types;uses:="org.apache.camel,org.apache.camel.spi,org.xbill.DNS";version=3.11.5,
>         org.apache.camel.component.dns.cloud;
>                 uses:="org.apache.camel,
>                         org.apache.camel.cloud,
>                         org.apache.camel.component.dns,
>                         org.apache.camel.impl.cloud,
>                         org.apache.camel.spi.annotations";
>                 version=3.11.5,
> org.apache.camel.component.dns.policy;uses:="org.apache.camel,org.apache.camel.spi,org.apache.camel.support";version=3.11.5
> Import-Package =
>         org.apache.camel;version="[3.11,3.12)",
>         org.apache.camel.cloud;version="[3.11,3.12)",
>         org.apache.camel.impl.cloud;version="[3.11,3.12)",
>         org.apache.camel.spi;version="[3.11,3.12)",
>         org.apache.camel.spi.annotations;version="[3.11,3.12)",
>         org.apache.camel.support;version="[3.11,3.12)",
>         org.apache.camel.support.component;version="[3.11,3.12)",
>         org.apache.camel.util;version="[3.11,3.12)",
>         javax.naming,
>         javax.naming.directory,
>         org.slf4j;version="[1.7,2)",
>         org.xbill.DNS;version="[3.3,4)"
> Private-Package =
>         !*
> karaf@root()> headers 330
> Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: dnsjava (330)
> ---------------------------------------------
> Bnd-LastModified = 1604502961023
> Build-Jdk = 11.0.8
> Built-By = jbonofre
> Created-By = Apache Maven Bundle Plugin
> Manifest-Version = 1.0
> Tool = Bnd-
> Bundle-Description = This OSGi bundle wraps dnsjava 3.3.1 jar file.
> Bundle-DocURL = http://www.apache.org/
> Bundle-License = http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.txt
> Bundle-ManifestVersion = 2
> Bundle-Name = Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: dnsjava
> Bundle-SymbolicName = org.apache.servicemix.bundles.dnsjava
> Bundle-Vendor = The Apache Software Foundation
> Bundle-Version =
> Require-Capability =
>         osgi.ee;filter:=(&(osgi.ee=JavaSE)(version=1.8))
> Export-Package =
> org.xbill.DNS;uses:="javax.crypto,org.xbill.DNS.config,org.xbill.DNS.utils";version=3.3.1,
>         org.xbill.DNS.config;uses:=org.xbill.DNS;version=3.3.1,
>         org.xbill.DNS.spi;uses:=sun.net.spi.nameservice;version=3.3.1,
>         org.xbill.DNS.tools;uses:=org.xbill.DNS;version=3.3.1,
>         org.xbill.DNS.utils;version=3.3.1
> Import-Package =
>         javax.crypto,
>         javax.crypto.spec,
>         android.os;resolution:=optional,
>         sun.net.spi.nameservice;resolution:=optional,
>         junit.framework;resolution:=optional
> Regards
> Daniel Langevin
> Direction de l'assistance et des technologies
> Direction des ressources informationnelles et matérielles

Claus Ibsen
http://davsclaus.com @davsclaus
Camel in Action 2: https://www.manning.com/ibsen2

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