I've got a scenario where I need to iterate through all users within a
system and send them to a remote as part of a routine "sync" to ensure that
both systems are in agreement.

User imports are also supported so there is some initial aggregation done
on id in an attempt to minimize updates to the 3rd party system.   It's ok
to send duplicates over, just not ideal so the initial aggregation has a
size / timeout based aggregation.

The 3rd party system (2nd step) is intended to aggregate and send those
updates in fixed size batches.   Changing it to a simple "mock:blah"
doesn't change behavior at this point.

I'm running into issues when sending to the initial seda queue (see
attached github example) and getting a queue full.  This occurs even when
I'm attempting to use blockWhenFull and other parameters.

Github at https://github.com/CTalkobt/issues .  (ref structure - Only
specific to this issue at this point; M
urphy will expand it in the future.)

Route is :

>         from("seda://incoming")
>                 .routeId("incoming")
>                 .aggregate(simple("${body.id}"),
> AggregationStrategies.flexible().accumulateInCollection(ArrayList.class) )
>                 .completionSize(100)
>                 .completionTimeout(500)
>                 .process(exch -> logger.info("incoming 1:" +
> exch.getIn().getBody()))
>                 .to("seda://part2");


                .process(exch -> logger.info("Got : " +
exch.getIn().getBody(List.class).size()) );

Stack trace:

> org.apache.camel.CamelExecutionException: Exception occurred during
> execution on the exchange: Exchange[99618F8E0720C3E-00000000000003E8]
> at
> org.apache.camel.CamelExecutionException.wrapCamelExecutionException(CamelExecutionException.java:45)
> ~[camel-api-3.14.1.jar:3.14.1]
> at
> org.apache.camel.support.ExchangeHelper.extractResultBody(ExchangeHelper.java:687)
> ~[camel-support-3.14.1.jar:3.14.1]
> at
> org.apache.camel.impl.engine.DefaultProducerTemplate.extractResultBody(DefaultProducerTemplate.java:591)
> ~[camel-base-engine-3.14.1.jar:3.14.1]
> ....
> Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Queue full
> at java.util.AbstractQueue.add(AbstractQueue.java:98) ~[na:1.8.0_312]
> at
> org.apache.camel.component.seda.SedaProducer.addToQueue(SedaProducer.java:251)
> ~[camel-seda-3.14.1.jar:3.14.1]
> at
> org.apache.camel.component.seda.SedaProducer.process(SedaProducer.java:149)
> ~[camel-seda-3.14.1.jar:3.14.1]

Craig Taylor

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