
It's not a big deal, it means that the bundle will stay active even if
the context is stopped. Which makes sense as you can have several
contexts in the same blueprint container.

Anyway, it's worth it to improve this. Can you please share a test
case to reproduce it (I tried and it works fine for me) ?


On Mon, May 16, 2022 at 11:56 AM Martin Lichtin
<lich...@yahoo.com.invalid> wrote:
> I was wondering of any side-effects once this message appears
> BlueprintCamelStateService  137 | 134 -
> org.apache.camel.karaf.camel-blueprint - 3.14.3 | Karaf
> BundleStateService not accessible. Bundle state won't reflect Camel
> context state
> not instantly seeing an issue, just curious about it. It's an info
> message, not a warn.

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