
platform-http-main is based on vertx-http as HTTP server and this is NOT
servlet based.
But vertx-http has a similar API where you can get access to headers /
cookies etc.
However we don't store the "raw vertx object" that makes this easy with

This needs to be enhanced in camel-platform-http-vertx.

On Sun, Oct 15, 2023 at 9:17 PM Fyodor Kravchenko <f...@vsetec.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> in Camel 2 and Jetty I used to get my hands on HttpServletRequest by
>              HttpMessage http = exchange.getIn(HttpMessage.class);
>              HttpServletRequest request = http.getRequest();
> , but now I'm migrating to 4.0.1 and platform-http (currently
> camel-platform-http-main), and now I'm getting null instead of the
> HttpMessage.
> Is it related to the note in  the Camel 4 migration guide - " And all
> |HttpMessage| has been changed to generic |Message| types"? What is the
> correct method of getting the raw HttpServletRequest and its internals
> like headers, sessions and cookies, if there is any? Can't find a
> documented way of doing this, for example, by calling
> `HttpServletRequest request = http.getBody(HttpServletRequest.class);`.
> Thank you!
> -fedd

Claus Ibsen
Camel in Action 2: https://www.manning.com/ibsen2

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