
It seems that the JMS consumer ignores the redelivery conditions that
I set on my route :

        <route id=" fifi1-jms">
uri="jms:fifi1?connectionFactory=#aliceJMS&amp;transacted=true" />
            <transacted />
                <redeliveryPolicy disableRedelivery="true" />
                <rollback markRollbackOnly="true" />
            <convertBodyTo type="String" />
                    <simple>${body} == 'BAD'</simple>
                    <log message="It's bad !" />
                        <groovy>0 / 0</groovy>
            <log message="Message has been processed : ${body}" />

In fact, the message is not rolled back but delivered 7 times. I'd
like the rollback put the message to a DLQ queue at the first

I've tried with/without "transacted" option or/and statement, and
with/without "rollback" but it doesn't change anything...

I also switched between "disableRedelivery" and "maximumRedeliveries"
: no difference.

I've probably misunderstood how it works :( !

Any experts for help ?

Thanks in advance.


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