
we recently switched from Camel 3.18 to Camel 3.22 and we discovered
following issue in some of our applications:

We have several applications that use e.g. openapi generator to create
separate route builder classes, a minimal reproducible example is:


public final class RestRoute extends RouteBuilder {

    public void configure() {




The id “myRoute1” is specified over the operationId in the open API spec.
Furthermore, we have following “main” route using the same route ID (not on


public class MainRoute extends RouteBuilder {

    public void configure() {




The routeId in this route is typically set over config. Both routes use the
same ID (which is not easy to detect in an application if REST route is
auto-generated and main route gets ID from config). In Camel 3.18, we did
not have a problem with that.

However, in Camel 3.22, running a simple unit test shows a
non-deterministic behavior:

   1. If RestRoute is configured first, it gets the ID “myRoute1” assigned.
   Afterwards, MainRoute is configured, and detects that “myRoute1” is already
   used, and throws an Exception:

FailedToStartRouteException: Failed to start route myRoute1 because of
duplicate id detected: myRoute1.

   2. If MainRoute is configured first, it gets the ID “myRoute1” assigned.
   Afterwards, RestRoute is configured, and detects that “myRoute1” is already
   used, and then assigns a new route ID to RestRoute (“route1”). No problem
   arises here.

The problem is that the result varies from run to run. We had the
situation, that in local unit test and test pipeline, the tests were
running fine, but in the production deployment the test suddenly failed.

Even worse is that the application startup would also fail if RestRoute is
configured first.

Another problem in Camel 3.22 we discovered in our tests was that if
RestRoute uses .routeId() instead of .id(), e.g.
rest().get().routeId("myRoute1").to("log:foo"), then one of the two routes
will not start at all, without throwing an error.

Here, the route that is configured first starts, and the other route won’t
start. In Camel 3.18, .routeId() is not available for rest routes at all,
so no problem there.

So, it looks like the order of route configuration was deterministic in
Camel 3.18 (here, it seems the route configuration order depended on the
name of the class or the package the class is in).

In Camel 3.22 it seems this is not deterministic anymore, leading to
above-described problems.

Please let us know if this behavior is known and if I should create a
ticket for it.


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