
I can see the entry of keys in the usercredential table in CS4 DB.
When I access http://<server-ip>/awsapi link I get the servlet exception :

java.lang.RuntimeException: javax.servlet.ServletException: Servlet execution 
threw an exception

How can I run S3 requests? any links to documentation would be helpful.

Thanks and Regards.


-----Original Message-----
From: Rajesh Battala [mailto:rajesh.batt...@citrix.com] 
Sent: 25 March 2013 PM 03:35
To: users@cloudstack.apache.org; 'cloudstack-us...@incubator.apache.org'; 
Subject: RE: CS4 AWS S3 support

Hi Asmita, 

In the cloudbridge db, usercredentials table has the username/password values 
Generally, for an existing account, generate the apikey/secrect key and 
register them in awsapi.

Were you able to run s3 requests.?  Is awsap is running at 7080 port?

Rajesh Battala

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Asmita Vagyani [mailto:asmita.vagy...@sigma-systems.com]
> Sent: Monday, March 25, 2013 3:24 PM
> To: 'cloudstack-us...@incubator.apache.org'; 'run...@gmail.com'
> Subject: CS4 AWS S3 support
> Hi all,
> I am trying to do following to have an implementation of S3 in our 
> application.
> Followed steps given in:
> http://www.slideshare.net/sebastiengoasguen/cloudstack-s3
> 1)      I have enabled S3 support and EC2 support flag in the CS4 global 
> variables.
> 2)      I have mounted the NFS store on the CS4 management server  (I am using
> the NFS drive to store the buckets/files uploaded by user on this drive)
> 3)      I have configured the cloud-bridge.properties appropriately
> host=http://localhost:7080/awsapi
> storage.root=/s3storage
> storage.multipartDir=__multipart__uploads__
> bucket.dns=false
> serviceEndpoint=localhost:7080
> 4)      I made up a user account into CS4 client console, generated the API 
> key
> and the Secret key.
> 5)      I have registered the user by using cloudstack-aws-api-register 
> (refer -
> http://cloudstack.apache.org/docs/en-US/Apache_CloudStack/4.0.1-
> incubating/html/Installation_Guide/aws-ec2-user-setup.html   )
> 6)      I have downloaded the S3 browser.
> 7)      I am trying to make an account with the same user API key and Secret 
> key
> which we create on Cloudstack.
> While creating an account it says - InvalidAccesskeyId
> Any hints if I am missing some step here?
> Thanks and Regards.
> Asmita Patil Vagyani.
> Tech Lead,  Sigma Software Solutions, Pune,
> T: +91-20-25661992 / 93 / 94. Extn. : 286

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