Guess that means no for now. 
I will create the request here shortly and send the link after. 

Hope I can get enough votes for serious consideration.

Thanks again! 

On 2013/04/12, at 13:21, Chiradeep Vittal <> wrote:

> I think this is a great idea. First step would be to log a request in
> And folks, please vote.
> On 4/11/13 7:18 PM, "Jake G." <> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> Is there an easier way to migrate existing VMs on a VMware host into
>> Cloudstack without exporting as OVF/OVA then importing into Cloudstack as
>> a template, then deploying again?
>> This method is also hit or miss. A lot of times I get a BSoD or Kernal
>> Panic with some VMs I migrated.
>> If this is the only way to migrate then Cloudstack is going to have a big
>> problem trying to get people with large existing infrastructures to
>> switch over to Cloudstack.
>> There has to be a way that the management server can look at vCenter for
>> existing VMs and have some sort of wizard or even API only script that
>> does the following.
>> 1. Lists Existing VMs on a vCenter cluster.
>> 2. Allow you to select the VMs you would like to migrate into cloudstack
>> and assign each vm to a user/group
>> Click migrate
>> 3. A process starts to snapshot the existing server, renames and copies
>> the VM files to Cloudstack primary storage.
>> 4. Cloudstack then updates its database to reflect the new inventory.
>> I am sure my process is missing a bunch of things but in general this
>> should be possible I think. I wish I was a programmer so I could help
>> with this.
>> Thank you very much!

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