Hi All,

I have a few questions, for which I do not have a clear answers.

1.       Is there any possibility to migrate VM's between pods ?  in 2.2.14 as 
well as 4.0.1 versions. ?

2.       What is the maximum number of hypervisors(KVM) that can be in a single 
pod. The admin guide says 16, but what is it based on ?  For example, if we 
have say 10 hypervisors with 100 VMs each .. vs  20 hypervisors with just 1 VM 
each ..  How does the number of hypervisor , or how does the number of VMs 
affect the performance of management server . ?

3.       Does adding more management server help increase the number of 
hypervisors that can be in the same pod ?

As a follow-up

4.       What is the maximum number of hypervisors that you are running per 
pod, and under what offering ( basic, advanced, advanced with security groups 
etc ) . This is to get an understanding related to questions above.

Trying to get some clarity on this.


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