Hi everyone, The summer is going to be full with CloudStack events and talks in Europe.
Bucharest JUG next week May 30th: http://www.bjug.ro/editii/12.html Open Cloud Day Zurich, June 11th: https://www.ch-open.ch/events/aktuelle-events/open-cloud-day-2013/ Build a Cloud Day, Amsterdam June 13th: http://bacdamsterdam.eventbrite.com Build a Cloud Day, Paris, June 19th: http://bacdparis.eventbrite.com London CloudStack meetup, July 4th: http://www.eventbrite.com/event/6727182183# Dublin CloudStack meetup, July 10th In the works, stay tuned RMLL, Brussells, July 6th-11th Agenda to be released soon, a CloudStack talk and a tutorial has been accepted. Choose your event, let's meet, brainstorm and build a great community Cheers, -Sebastien