Here is the functional spec -,+pod,+cluster,+host+Functional+Spec
In my last statement ,  a user anyways can't see the infrastructure section on 
the UI . So by  allowing the root admin to dedicate a  zone to an 
domain/account , that account can only use that zone's resources.

-----Original Message-----
From: Pranav Saxena [] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 12, 2013 7:54 PM
Subject: RE: if anybody know how to restrict access to a specific zone

Hi ,

You could let the root admin dedicate a zone to specific domain/account . In 
that case only that user would have access to that zone.  This is a new feature 
introduced in 4.2


-----Original Message-----
From: William Jiang [] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 12, 2013 7:45 PM
Subject: RE: if anybody know how to restrict access to a specific zone

Hi Jessica,
Thanks for the response. What's the difference of those three roles?
If I understand right, I will give it the role of "normal-user" .


-----Original Message-----
From: Jessica Wang []
Sent: June-11-13 6:23 PM
Subject: RE: if anybody know how to restrict access to a specific zone

> I want to give access to a user to see only a specific zone.

What is the role of the user that you want to give access to see only a 
specific zone?
A normal-user, a domain-admin, or a root-admin?

-----Original Message-----
From: William Jiang []
Sent: Tuesday, June 11, 2013 3:17 PM
Subject: if anybody know how to restrict access to a specific zone


if anybody know how to restrict access to a specific zone? We have multiple 
zone in our cloudstack 3.0 and I want to give access to a user to see only a 
specific zone.

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