Hello all,

free cloud stacks (Cloud Stack, Open Nebula, Eucalyptus, Open Stack) are
the focal point of the upcoming  ADMIN-Magazin (http://admin-magazin.de)
issue 5/13. We are planning one article about each project. In the
moment we are looking for an author who could explain Cloud Stack. His
article should answer questions like:

- What is Cloud Stack (history, status quo, future)?
- What are the main features?
- What is the 'unique selling point'? Why should I choose cloud stack?
- What discriminates Cloud Stack from the other projects?
- If possible: experience gained in Cloud Stack projects

Is there anybody out there who could help? We have six weeks from now on
to finish the article (but earlier would be better). We would pay 80
Euro per printed page. You could write in english or german. 

If you are interested, please contact me: j...@admin-magazin.de.


= Chefredakteur/Editor-in-Chief      ADMIN-Magazin  =
Medialinx     AG        |    Phone:  +49 89 9934 1146
Putzbrunner Str. 71     |    Fax:    +49 89 9934 1199
81739 München, Germany  |    Mobile: +49 163 356 2561   

j...@admin-magazin.de    - http://www.admin-magazin.de

Medialinx AG          
München - Lawrence, KS - Málaga -   
Manchester - São Paulo - Warszawa

Vorstand: Brian Osborn,    Hermann Plank
Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender: Rudolf Strobl

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