Hi Wido,

Thanks for the advice, I'm now able to add the RBD pool as primary storage.

Many thanks! :)


On Thursday, July 11, 2013, Wido den Hollander wrote:

> Hi,
> On 07/10/2013 03:42 PM, Chip Childers wrote:
>> Cc'ing Wido, our resident Ceph expert. ;-)
> Hehe ;)
>  On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 05:45:25PM +0800, Indra Pramana wrote:
>>> Dear all,
>>> I am installing CloudStack 4.1.0 (upgraded from 4.0.2) and I also have a
>>> Ceph cluster running. However, I am having issues in adding the RBD as
>>> primary storage. Tried to follow the instruction here, but unable to make
>>> it work:
>>> http://ceph.com/docs/master/**rbd/rbd-cloudstack/<http://ceph.com/docs/master/rbd/rbd-cloudstack/>
>>> I have setup a pool on the Ceph cluster. The status of the cluster is
>>> healthy. Since I am using Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS (Precise) for the
>>> hypervisors,
>>> I also have compiled libvirt manually to ensure that the version 0.9.13
>>> is
>>> installed (previously it's 0.9.8).
> You can also use the Ubuntu Cloud Archive, I still need to get the docs
> updated for that.
> I described the process in a blogpost: http://blog.widodh.nl/2013/06/**
> a-quick-note-on-running-**cloudstack-with-rbd-on-ubuntu-**12-04/<http://blog.widodh.nl/2013/06/a-quick-note-on-running-cloudstack-with-rbd-on-ubuntu-12-04/>
>  indra@hv-kvm-01:~/rbd$ ceph
>>> ceph> health
>>> indra@hv-kvm-01:~$ ceph osd lspools
>>> 0 data,1 metadata,2 rbd,3 sc1,
>>> root@hv-kvm-01:/home/indra# libvirtd --version
>>> libvirtd (libvirt) 0.9.13
>>> I tried to add Primary Storage into the Cloudstack zone which I have
>>> created:
>>> Add Primary Storage:
>>> Zone: my zone name
>>> Pod: my pod name
>>> Cluster: my cluster name
>>> Name: ceph-rbd-pri-storage
>>> Protocol: RBD
>>> RADOS Monitor: my first Ceph monitor IP address
>>> RADOS Pool: sc1 (the pool name on Ceph cluster)
>>> RADOS User: client.admin
>>> RADOS Secret: /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.**keyring (keyring file
>>> location)
> This is your problem. That shouldn't be the location of the file, but it
> should be the secret, which is a base64 encoded string.
> $ ceph auth list
> That should tell you what the secret is.
>  Storage Tags: rbd
> This is the error message when I tried to add the primary storage by
> clicking OK:
> DB Exception on: com.mysql.jdbc.**JDBC4PreparedStatement@4b2eb56**:
> storage_pool (storage_pool.id, storage_pool.name, storage_pool.uuid,
> storage_pool.pool_type, storage_pool.created, storage_pool.update_time,
> storage_pool.data_center_id, storage_pool.pod_id,
> storage_pool.available_bytes, storage_pool.capacity_bytes,
> storage_pool.status, storage_pool.scope, storage_pool.storage_provider_**
> id,
> storage_pool.host_address, storage_pool.path, storage_pool.port,
> storage_pool.user_info, storage_pool.cluster_id) VALUES (217,
> _binary'ceph-rbd-pri-storage',
> _binary'a226c9a1-da78-3f3a-**b5ac-e18b925c9634', 'RBD', '2013-07-10
> 09:08:28', null, 2, 2, 0, 0, 'Up', null, null, null, _binary'ceph/
> ceph.client.admin.keyring@10.**237.11.2/sc1<http://ceph.client.admin.keyring@>',
> 6789, null, 2)
> On the management-server.log file:
> 2013-07-10 17:08:28,845 DEBUG [cloud.api.ApiServlet] (catalina-exec-2:null)
> ===START=== -- GET
> command=createStoragePool&**zoneid=c116950e-e4ae-4f23-**a7e7-
> 74a75c4ee638&podId=a748b063-**3a83-4175-a0e9-de39118fe5ce&**
> clusterid=1f87eb09-324d-4d49-**83c2-88d84d7a15df&name=ceph-**
> rbd-pri-storage&url=rbd%3A%2F%**2Fclient.admin%3A_etc%2Fc
> eph%2Fceph.client.admin.**keyring%4010.237.11.2%2Fsc1&**
> tags=rbd&response=json&**sessionkey=**rDRfWpqeKfQKbKZtHr398ULV%2F8k%**
> 3D&_=1373447307839
> 2013-07-10 17:08:28,862 DEBUG [cloud.storage.**StorageManagerImpl]
> (catalina-exec-2:null) createPool Params @ scheme - rbd storageHost - null
> hostPath - /ceph/ceph.client
> .admin.keyring@ port - -1
> 2013-07-10 17:08:28,918 DEBUG [cloud.storage.**StorageManagerImpl]
> (catalina-exec-2:null) In createPool Setting poolId - 217 uuid -
> a226c9a1-da78-3f3a-b5ac-**e18b925c9634 z
> oneId - 2 podId - 2 poolName - ceph-rbd-pri-storage
> 2013-07-10 17:08:28,921 DEBUG [db.Transaction.Transaction]
> (catalina-exec-2:null) Rolling back the transaction: Time = 3 Name =
> persist; called by -Transaction.rollbac
> k:890-Transaction.removeUpTo:**833-Transaction.close:657-**
> TransactionContextBuilder.**interceptException:63-**
> ComponentInstantiationPostProc**essor$InterceptorDispatcher.**interce
> pt:133-StorageManagerImpl.**createPool:1378-**
> StorageManagerImpl.createPool:**147-CreateStoragePoolCmd.**
> execute:123-ApiDispatcher.**dispatch:162-ApiServer.**
> queueCommand:505-ApiSe
> rver.handleRequest:355-**ApiServlet.processRequest:302
> 2013-07-10 17:08:28,923 ERROR [cloud.api.ApiServer] (catalina-exec-2:null)
> unhandled exception executing api command: createStoragePool
> com.cloud.utils.exception.**CloudRuntimeException: DB Exception on:
> com.mysql.jdbc.**JDBC4PreparedStatement@4b2eb56**: INSERT INTO
> storage_pool (
> storage_pool.id, storage_pool
> .name, storage_pool.uuid, storage_pool.pool_type, storage_pool.created,
> storage_pool.update_time, storage_pool.data_center_id, storage_pool.pod_id,
> storage_pool.availab
> le_bytes, storage_pool.capacity_bytes, storage_pool.status,
> storage_pool.scope, storage_pool.storage_provider_**id,
> storage_pool.host_address, storage_pool.path, storage_
> pool.port, storage_pool.user_info, storage_pool.cluster_id) VALUES (217,
> _binary'ceph-rbd-pri-storage',
> _binary'a226c9a1-da78-3f3a-**b5ac-e18b925c9634', 'RBD', '2013-07-1
> 0 09:08:28', null, 2, 2, 0, 0, 'Up', null, null, null, _binary'ceph/
> ceph.client.admin.keyring@10.**237.11.2/sc1<http://ceph.client.admin.keyring@>',
> 6789, null, 2)
>          at
> com.cloud.utils.db.**GenericDaoBase.persist(**GenericDaoBase.java:1342)
>          at
> com.cloud.storage.dao.**StoragePoolDaoImpl.persist(**
> StoragePoolDaoImpl.java:232)
>          at
> com.cloud.utils.component.**ComponentInstantiationPostProc**
> essor$InterceptorDispatcher.**intercept(**ComponentInstantiationPostProc**
> es

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