
I've been trying to find the best way to manage my users in ACS, especially
to find a way for to be able to create users under an account without being
root or admin of the whole ACS.

So basically what I'm aiming to have is 4 roles:

   1. Admin - ACS SysAdmin
   2. DomainAdmin - Should be able to create accounts in his domian, and
   not be able to see other domains
   3. AccountAdmin - Is the main user of an account. He can create other
   users and manage anything in his account.. -> SysAdmin for an Account
   4. AccountUser - End user for an account. He can create and manage his
   machines or those in a project he takes part of, but not those of other

Can anyone give me a tip in the right direction?
Thanks in advance.

Best regards / Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Pablo Endres

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