Did you enable HA for your compute offering?

On Jul 24, 2013, at 11:25 AM, Indra Pramana <in...@sg.or.id> wrote:

> Dear all,
> I tried to shutdown one of my hypervisor hosts to simulate a server
> failure, and the HA is not working, all the VMs on the affected host is not
> started on another available host.
> I am using CloudStack 4.1.0 with KVM hypervisors and Ceph RBD for primary
> storage.
> My issue is similar to what is being described here:
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CLOUDSTACK-3535
> Except that on my case, the host is indeed marked as "Disconnected" but
> there is no attempt from CloudStack to try starting the VMs on another
> host. I can't provide logs since there's nothing on the logs which suggest
> that CloudStack tries to activate the HA and start the affected VMs on
> another host.
> Anyone has similar experience? Anyone knows if the above bug has been
> resolved?
> Looking forward to your reply, thank you.
> Cheers.

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