Try sAMAccountName=%u

On 26 August 2013 03:15, 不坏阿峰 <> wrote:

> in AD 2008, do not have uid, so i user disPlayname=%u,    %u is the
> cloudstack username.
> i also follow this ,install cloudmoney and ldapconfig it.
> >  ldap config hostname= searchbase=ou=member,DC=lab,DC=com
> queryfilter=(diaplayname=%u) binddn=CN=dota,ou=member,DC=lab,DC=com
> bindpass=123@lab port=389
> ldapconfig:
> binddn = CN=dota,ou=member,DC=lab,DC=com
> hostname =
> port = false
> queryfilter = (diaplayname=%u)
> searchbase = ou=member,DC=lab,DC=com
> >> Dn: CN=dota,OU=member,DC=lab,DC=com
> 0> objectClass:
> 0> cn:
> 0> distinguishedName:
> 0> instanceType:
> 0> whenCreated:
> 0> whenChanged:
> 0> displayName:
> 0> uSNCreated:
> 0> uSNChanged:
> 0> name:
> 0> objectGUID:
> 0> userAccountControl:
> 0> badPwdCount:
> 0> codePage:
> 0> countryCode:
> 0> badPasswordTime:
> 0> lastLogoff:
> 0> lastLogon:
> 0> pwdLastSet:
> 0> primaryGroupID:
> 0> objectSid:
> 0> accountExpires:
> 0> logonCount:
> 0> sAMAccountName:
> 0> sAMAccountType:
> 0> userPrincipalName:
> 0> objectCategory:
> 0> dSCorePropagationData:
> 0> lastLogonTimestamp:
> 2013/8/25 Kirk Jantzer <>:
> > It appears your queryfilter may be incorrect - You are trying to match
> the
> > %u in CloudStack to 'disPlayname' in AD? Verify that whatever you put
> into
> > the username field in CS matches whatever is in the 'disPlayname' field
> in
> > AD (this can be found by opening AD Users and Computers, selecting the
> menu
> > option to show advanced properties, then looking at the user, then
> clicking
> > the 'attributes' tab.
> >
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > Kirk Jantzer
> > http://about.met/kirkjantzer
> >
> >
> > On Sat, Aug 24, 2013 at 12:48 PM, 不坏阿峰 <> wrote:
> >
> >> Cloudstack4.1.1
> >> (1). i create same user: dota on Active Directory and CS
> >> (2). i have test ldap query by binddn cn=dota,ou=member,dc=lab,dc=com,
> >> it is ok,so active directory ldap is ready.
> >> (3). have two user under  ou=member, dc=lab,dc=com: dota , csuser01
> >> (4). enable integration.api.port =8096, and restart CS-mangement
> >>
> >> Q1:  from the CS log, ldap server configed, but IE response  false,
> >> what is correct information?
> >>
> >> Q2: how many user should be created on both Active Directory and CS ?
> >> or only one for ldap config,   active directory create other user just
> >> for CS use
> >>
> >> Q3: what will change in UI when ldap config success? can see  users
> >> imported from Active Directory ? can use csuser01 to login CS ?(i try
> >> log in  but failure)
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> ####### Got  this response:#####
> >> { "ldapconfigresponse" :  { "ldapconfig" :
> >>
> >>
> {"hostname":"","port":"false","searchbase":"OU=member,DC=lab,DC=com","queryfilter":"(&(disPlayname=%u))","binddn":"CN=dota,OU=member,DC=lab,DC=com"}
> >> }  }
> >>
> >> #######  CS log  #########
> >> 2013-08-24 21:10:44,453 DEBUG
> >> [cloud.configuration.ConfigurationManagerImpl] (ApiServer-4:null) The
> >> ldap server is configured:
> >>
> >> ######## other thing i checked ######
> >> (1) in CS4.1.1 ,sharedFunctions.js  , var md5HashedLogin = fals
> >> (2) when create dota in CS, "Network Domain" i put, username i
> >> put dota
> >>

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