Open vSwitch is not required.  For this configuration I don't think any
special configuration is required on the host or in CloudStack.  Try
simply adding the host.  CloudStack should detect the default gateway on
eth0 and create the necessary bridge on it.  All traffic types will use
that bridge by default.

My main concern is if CloudStack will work with the multi-homed
configuration.  If after adding the host you find that the CPVM is not
working, it may be trying and failing to connect to, so you
may need to explicitly configure management traffic to use eth1.  This
is done by creating a bridge on eth1 and updating the traffic label in

Best regards,

On 09/20/2013 08:36 AM, Ron Wheeler wrote:
> This is what I was trying to do without success as well.
> More details greatly appreciated!
> Ron
> On 20/09/2013 11:26 AM, David Ortiz wrote:
>> Jake,
>>       Are you trying to just get something up and running, or do you
>> specifically want to divide traffic up in a certain way?  If the
>> former, I believe I was able to set my hosts up with just the bridge
>> setup pointing at eth0 without any sort of VLANs.  It was either that,
>> or without special setup of any kind.
>> Thanks,      Dave
>>> Date: Tue, 17 Sep 2013 22:05:32 -0700
>>> From:
>>> Subject: Help with host network config KVM + Centos
>>> To:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I have a single centOS 6.4 KVM host with two NICs
>>> eth0: GW is for public access
>>> (internet access)
>>> eth1: no GW is for management access
>>> Could someone please help me with the initial configuration to work
>>> with KVM and Cloudstack?
>>> This setup is different than the documentation. I do not want to use
>>> openvswitch if possible.
>>> Thank you for your help in advance!

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