That means one of the zones in your setup may be having NFS as the secondary 
storage provider. Make sure that none of the zones use NFS for secondary 
storage if you want to use S3 .

-----Original Message-----
From: Andrei Mikhailovsky [] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 22, 2013 7:43 PM
Subject: ACS 4.2 Error adding S3/Ceph secondary storage

Hello guys, 

I am trying to add a new secondary storage provided by Ceph's S3 radosgw, which 
i've configured and tested. Right after adding it via the GUI I have the 
following message/error: 

"You can only add new image stores from the same provider NFS already added" 

Does anyone know what this message means? I am a bit confused here as I am not 
adding the NFS secondary storage, but instead adding the S3 storage. 



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