
I am seeing an issue here with Cloudstack and VMWare storage and hope you
can help.  VMWare is using dynamic storage so for a template of 20GB in
reality only 3GB is being used, VMWare currently has the size of the VM of
3GB and increases storage allocation to the VM as it requires it.  However
Cloudstack thinks 20GB has been consumed

So to overcome this we set

storage.overprovisioning.factor to 5

But we still had issues when we hit 85% (which is not 85% based on VMWare
storage allocation).  The following values were set to .85 and increasing
these has offered little benefit up to 100%

   - pool.storage.capacity.disablethreshold
   - pool.storage.allocated.capacity.disablethreshold

Any advise on other settings on Cloudstack 4.1.1 that could help us.

Kind regards


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