Hi Mario,

Are you tagging VLANS to this host?
If so, is the switch connected to a Layer 3 switch, which you can then
configure as a router to route the traffic from your cloud VLANS to your
local working network.

Vlan bridges are added when network/vms are created.

I hope that makes sense,


On Tue, Nov 5, 2013 at 7:00 AM, Mario Giammarco <mgiamma...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Marty Sweet <msweet.dev@...> writes:
> >
> > Ok, is that IP a gateway? It would need to be able to route traffic.
> > If you haven't specified VLANS then VLANS will not be used (as far as I'm
> > aware), and it will just use the interfaces of your server. Example:
> > bridging eth0 for VM traffic
> >
> First I repeat the configuration because I have written in another thread:
> - only one  ubuntu server that is host AND manager (test lab...);
> - followed official guide so:
> -- three vlan (100,200,300);
> -- first vlan with ip for management of server;
> -- cloudbr0 and cloudbr1 vlans without ip.
> Now I see that after installation of manager and agent many bridges and/or
> vlan are present not added by me.
> But I do not understand why it is not working, expecially what I should
> provide on each vlan and what is already provided by cloudstack.
> Thanks,
> Mario

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