If you are doing a fresh install, you forgot cloud_usage, and cloudbridge.
I've done this several times in my lab to get things running okay...

I usually upload new templates to secondary storage, but that might not be 
| Database           |
| information_schema |
| cloud              |
| cloud_usage        |
| cloudbridge        |
| mysql              |


Eric Tykwinski
TrueNet, Inc.
P: 610-429-8300
F: 610-429-3222

On Nov 7, 2013, at 5:42 PM, Carlos Reategui <create...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Looks like my 4.2 experiment is not going well and I should wait for 4.2.1.
> I would like to go back to 4.1.1.
> My setup: Management Server on Ubuntu 12.04, Hosts using XS6.0.2
> Would the following steps work?
> 1) apt-get remove cloudstack-management cloudstack-common
> 2) vi /etc/apt/sources.list.d/cloudstack.list
>   change 4.2 to 4.1
> 3) mysql -u root -p -e "drop database cloud"
> 4) mysql -u root -p -e "drop user cloud"
> 5) apt-get install cloudstack-management
> 6) cloudstack-setup-databases cloud:cloud@localhost --deploy-as=root:<pw>
> -i
> 7) mysql -u root -p < cloudstack-backup.sql
> 8) Use Xencenter to remove all tags on my XS hosts
> 9) service cloudstack-management start
> thanks,
> Carlos

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