How abt using PVLANs?


On Friday, November 29, 2013 3:42 PM, Andrija Panic <> 

I have been requested to try to reduce number of vlans that are configured
on PHYSICAL switches to minimum (like 4-5 vlans, for mgmt, storage,guest,

From my understanding of CS advanced netwokring, all traffic
isolation/separation is done by means of VLANS.

So for potentialu 1000 clients  - I would need 1000 vlans to isolate
traffic between clients VPC/VMs...I don't understand the possiblity to use
advanced networking and use only few vlans to have traffic isolation for
that 1000 clients.

Is there any other solution (that I'm not aware of) that minimizes request
for change on physical network equipment and reduces vlan usag to few vlans?

I'm reading now about SDN...but still don't have very clear picture...

Thanks for any inputs/opinions...

Andrija Panić

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