
I am very new with cloudstack and trying to generate a signature to reqeust
some simpel api's with php. I use the following script but still get the

unable to verify user credentials and/or request signature

Can some one help me what is the mistake here. Thank you in advance

$apikey =

$secretkey =

$response = "response=json";

$urlcommand_deployvm = $apikey . "&command=listUsers" . "&" . $response;

$hashcommand = $apikey . "&". "command=listUsers" . "&". $response;

$query = str_replace("+", "%20", $hashcommand );

$lower = strtolower($hashcommand);

$hash = hash_hmac("SHA1", $lower, $secretkey . true, TRUE);

$base64encoded = base64_encode($hash);

$signature = "signature=" . urlencode($base64encoded);

$url = "http://localhost:8080/client/api?"; . $urlcommand_deployvm . "&" .

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