We recently upgrade or Cloudstack from 4.1.0 to 4.2.1. hypervisor not
upgraded and using xenserver 6.0.2

Since then, we are unable to storage xenmotion Instance from a Primary
Storage to another. The pool is using local and shared storage and all kind
of storage xenmotion fail.

moving Instances end up with following error message in cloudstack webui:

Failed to migration: com.cloud.exception.StorageUnavailableException:
Resource [StoragePool:233] is unreachable: migrate volume failed:
com.cloud.utils.exception.CloudRuntimeException: DB Exception on:
com.mysql.jdbc.JDBC4PreparedStatement@308d011c: SELECT volume_store_ref.id,
volume_store_ref.store_id, volume_store_ref.volume_id,
volume_store_ref.zone_id, volume_store_ref.created,
volume_store_ref.last_updated, volume_store_ref.download_pct,
volume_store_ref.size, volume_store_ref.physical_size,
volume_store_ref.download_state, volume_store_ref.checksum,
volume_store_ref.local_path, volume_store_ref.error_str,
volume_store_ref.job_id, volume_store_ref.install_path,
volume_store_ref.url, volume_store_ref.download_url,
volume_store_ref.download_url_created, volume_store_ref.destroyed,
volume_store_ref.update_count, volume_store_ref.updated,
volume_store_ref.state, volume_store_ref.ref_cnt FROM volume_store_ref
WHERE volume_store_ref.store_id = 60 AND volume_store_ref.volume_id = 1664
AND volume_store_ref.destroyed = 0 ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1

if I look in the database the Query provide the following output:
mysql> SELECT volume_store_ref.id, volume_store_ref.store_id,
volume_store_ref.volume_id, volume_store_ref.zone_id,
volume_store_ref.created, volume_store_ref.last_updated,
volume_store_ref.download_pct, volume_store_ref.size,
volume_store_ref.physical_size, volume_store_ref.download_state,
volume_store_ref.checksum, volume_store_ref.local_path,
volume_store_ref.error_str, volume_store_ref.job_id,
volume_store_ref.install_path, volume_store_ref.url,
volume_store_ref.download_url, volume_store_ref.download_url_created,
volume_store_ref.destroyed, volume_store_ref.update_count,
volume_store_ref.updated, volume_store_ref.state, volume_store_ref.ref_cnt
FROM volume_store_ref WHERE volume_store_ref.store_id = 60 AND
volume_store_ref.volume_id = 1664 AND volume_store_ref.destroyed = 0 ORDER
| id | store_id | volume_id | zone_id | created             | last_updated
| download_pct | size | physical_size | download_state | checksum |
local_path | error_str | job_id | install_path    | url  | download_url |
download_url_created | destroyed | update_count | updated             |
state    | ref_cnt |
| 23 |       60 |      1664 |       0 | 2014-01-21 18:08:25 | NULL
|            0 |    0 |             0 | NULL           | NULL     | NULL
    | NULL      | NULL   | volumes/11/1664 | NULL | NULL         | NULL
            |         0 |            1 | 2014-01-21 18:08:25 | Creating |
    0 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Is this a bug from 4.2.1 ?

Pierre-Luc Dion
Architecte de Solution Cloud | Cloud Solutions Architect
514-447-3456, 1101
- - -

*CloudOps*420 rue Guy
Montréal QC  H3J 1S6

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