Try asking on dev list. Although im not sure, if you will get an answer.

On 18/3/14 3:35 AM, Amin Samir wrote:

After rebuilding management server, we cannot fire up new VM's, the VM starts up for two minutes and then stops.

Our environment is upgraded from 2.2.14 to 4.2.1 cloud stack and xen server 
5.6sp2 to the xen server 6.1 with the latest patches deployed.

Here is what we receive in the logs:

WARN  [xen.resource.CitrixResourceBase] (DirectAgent-124:null) Error while 
collecting disk stats from :

You gave an invalid object reference.  The object may have recently been 
deleted.  The class parameter gives the type of reference given, and the handle 
parameter echoes the bad value given.

ARN [apache.cloudstack.alerts] (DirectAgent-481:null) alertType:: 8 // dataCenterId:: 1 // podId:: 1 // clusterId:: null // message::

VM (name: Amin-After-Rebuild-test, id: 308) stopped unexpectedly on host id:62, 
availability zone id:1, pod id:1

Anyone has faced this error before, all our existing VM's are fine.

Kind Regards


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