It is well and good to say that this feature will not be developed - but
100% of our customers are asking us for this kind of functionality. Most
of our customers are traditional enterprises who who have invested vast
sums of money on SAN/NAS environments, and they typically run large VMware
farms. Today they are able to implement a DR Solution by using
SAN/Hypervisor replication and automation tools such as VMWare SRM. This
typically works very well (at a cost), considering some of our customers
have over 800 applications in their portfolio.

Most, if not all of our customers run very traditional, vertically scaling
applications that are central to their business. Assuming they are going
to re-write their very complex and expensive application stack so that
they can leverage cloud technologies is a flawed argument. The cost of
such an exercise may run into the 10¹s of millions for some organisations.

In any case, I really hope this feature is developed. Without it,
Cloudstack (and other cloud platforms) will make limited headway into risk
adverse enterprise accounts who have had this capability for many years.
Although I fundamentally agree that to really harness the power of cloud,
your applications should be Œcloud native¹, I also think that cloud
platforms should be flexible enough to cater for traditional workloads and
not doing so it a major inhibitor to cloud adoption for enterprises.

Simon Murphy
Solutions Architect
ViFX | Cloud Infrastructure

On 27/03/14 4:13 am, "Nux!" <> wrote:

>On 26.03.2014 14:34, Geoff Higginbottom wrote:
>> Until we reach the utopia of all workloads being cloud-era workloads,
>> the Zone HA feature is still very high on people's wish list.
>This feature can be on their list all they want, it's _extremely_
>unlikely it will happen any time soon. Imagine the amount of efort
>required to replicate tons of storage and the omnipresent danger of
>split-brains... this has DISASTER written all over it, not RECOVERY. :-)
>The application needs to be cloud-aware as you say, in most cases this
>is actually doable; though of course, some people are stuck with old
>technology - they can just live with the risk or adapt to a cloud
>Sent from the Delta quadrant using Borg technology!

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