So I have a redundant pair of management servers running on 4.2.1. At least 
once a day one of the management servers crashes and the log gets filled with 
the following messages:
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap 
spac0java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsExceptioneCaused by: 
SSL peer shut down incorrectlyCaused by: 
Remote host closed connection during handshake
and there are a few others. When the one management server tanks, although the 
other management server is up and active, it won't actually process any UI 
commands until the crashed server is powered off.  Example of process any UI 
command is create a new instance, create a new account, etc. After doing some 
searching I have found that others have noticed java heap errors in 4.2.1, and 
the suggested fix is to increase the heap size. I am planning on increasing it 
from 2g to 4g, however if the problem is something like a memory leak, then 
increasing the heap size will just delay the inevitable. Has anyone else fixed 
this issue by increasing the heap size? Or what is the recommended value?
In my honest opinion of bigger concern is the fact that when one management 
server crashes the other stops functioning as well. So this begs the question 
of why even bother with a redundant pair of servers..Anybody else experience 
this issue? I would love to hear any dev guys opinion on this as well.          

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