I removed the vLAN and swapped eth0 with cloudbr0 before it would even
communicate.  Not sure if that's a typo in the documentation, or if I've
just kludged it through.

Now when I attempt to add the host I get this output from setup.log

DEBUG:root:execute:uname -r
DEBUG:root:execute:uname -m
DEBUG:root:execute:hostname -f
DEBUG:root:execute:service apparmor status
DEBUG:root:execute:apparmor_status |grep libvirt
DEBUG:root:Failed to execute:
DEBUG:root:execute:sudo /usr/sbin/service libvirt-bin status
DEBUG:root:execute:sudo /usr/sbin/service libvirt-bin stop
DEBUG:root:Failed to execute:stop: Unknown instance:
DEBUG:root:execute:sudo update-rc.d -f libvirt-bin remove
DEBUG:root:execute:sudo update-rc.d -f libvirt-bin defaults
DEBUG:root:execute:sudo /usr/sbin/service libvirt-bin status
DEBUG:root:execute:sudo /usr/sbin/service libvirt-bin start
DEBUG:root:execute:ufw allow 22
DEBUG:root:execute:ufw allow 1798
DEBUG:root:execute:ufw allow 16509
DEBUG:root:execute:ufw allow proto tcp from any to any port 5900:6100
DEBUG:root:execute:ufw allow proto tcp from any to any port 49152:49216
DEBUG:root:execute:sudo /usr/sbin/service ufw status
DEBUG:root:execute:sudo /usr/sbin/service ufw stop
DEBUG:root:execute:sudo /usr/sbin/service ufw status
DEBUG:root:execute:sudo /usr/sbin/service ufw start
DEBUG:root:execute:sudo /usr/sbin/service cloudstack-agent status
DEBUG:root:Failed to execute: * could not access PID file for
DEBUG:root:execute:sudo /usr/sbin/service cloudstack-agent stop
DEBUG:root:execute:sleep 30
DEBUG:root:execute:sudo update-rc.d -f cloudstack-agent remove
DEBUG:root:execute:sudo update-rc.d -f cloudstack-agent defaults
DEBUG:root:execute:sudo /usr/sbin/service cloudstack-agent status
DEBUG:root:Failed to execute: * could not access PID file for
DEBUG:root:execute:sudo /usr/sbin/service cloudstack-agent start

Any ideas what causes this, as I've scanned the internet to no avail.


On Wed, 2014-04-02 at 15:38 +0100, Jonathan Gowar wrote:
> Hi,
>  I am building a new small CloudStack.  I have the Managment server and
> DB together, and have a separate Storage server.  The UI is operational,
> so some success.
> I would now like to add a host.  I followed this guide
> https://cloudstack.apache.org/docs/en-US/Apache_CloudStack/4.2.0/html/Installation_Guide/hypervisor-kvm-install-flow.html
>  specifically the bit about networking:-
> auto lo
> iface lo inet loopback
> # The primary network interface
> auto eth0.100
> iface eth0.100 inet static
>     address
>     netmask
>     gateway
>     dns-nameservers
>     dns-domain lab.example.org
> # Public network
> auto cloudbr0
> iface cloudbr0 inet manual
>     bridge_ports eth0.200
>     bridge_fd 5
>     bridge_stp off
>     bridge_maxwait 1
> # Private network
> auto cloudbr1
> iface cloudbr1 inet manual
>     bridge_ports eth0.300
>     bridge_fd 5
>     bridge_stp off
>     bridge_maxwait 1
> After doing this, and rebooting I lose connectivity.  This is because
> eth0 is now tagged as suggested in the guide, but I don't think there is
> vLAN tagging on the rest of the network.
> What's the easy solution to this?
> Is it documented how to vLAN correctly the rest of my installation?
> Regards,
> Jon

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