On Wed, 2014-04-16 at 08:54 -0300, Rafael Weingartner wrote

> One to change the root password, and the other to change the host name
> according to the one that was defined on CS.
> one is in "/etc/init.d/", and it is called cloud-set-guest-password.
> (The script is attached).
> and the second one is in "tc/dhcp/dhclient-exit-hooks.d/", so it is
> called right after the DHCP finishes its job. And its name is
> setHostName. (Also attached)


  I need to do change the hostname as according to CS, but don't know
about cloud-init scripts.

What machine would a script to set the hostname sit on?  Also, it seems
the attachments are missing?

Is this documented anywhere, to give me a better understand.


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