On 28.04.2014 17:59, Rafael Weingartner wrote:
Hi folks,
I am trying to create my own "realHost" DNS server.

I followed the instructions from here:

thanks NUX ;)

The app is up and running, however, I am struggling to make it work with my
DNS server that is ran by the VR.
How could I add it to be a nameserver to DNSMASQ in the VR, in toder to
answer the queries X-X-X-X.realhost.internal?
I mean, the DNSMASQ will forward any request that it receives to the first nameserver, I could make my "realHost" as the first one, but it just solves
the internal names.
Is there any way to force DNSMASQ to try to solve the name with the
following nameserver from its config when the name is not found on the
nameserver that it tried first?

I think dnsmasq will read and serve contents from /etc/hosts (check the config), so if you add all your records there dnsmasq should "resolve" them.


Sent from the Delta quadrant using Borg technology!


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