On 01.05.2014 11:28, sandeep khandekar wrote:
Dear All,


Why do I get the following error in Register ISO "Unable to resolve
releases.ubuntu.com" how to solve these.

It looks like there is a DNS resolution problem. Try to log in via SSH on to your secondary storage VM and see if you can ping/access releases.ubuntu.com from there.

My settings
secstorage.allowedinternal sites is set to
system.vm.use.localstorage is set to true

If you are trying to register the ISO as Admin then the allowedinternal setting doesn't really matter in my experience.

Previously I was able to upload, am I missing any iptable configuration or
Which log file to refer for errors?

You need to do more troubleshooting, please go through:

Are you able to register other ISOs or templates at all?

Sent from the Delta quadrant using Borg technology!


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