Hi All,

I'm trying to install ubuntu from an ISO on a Cloudstack install using a
non-hvm xenserver installation as the hypervisor.

I downloaded the ubuntu alternative x86 ISO. I uploaded it via the
templates section in the UI and modified the database entry for it to
change the HVM flag to 0.

With this I can successfully boot the virtual machine from the CD and the
ubuntu installer opens. However one I attempt to  execute the "detect
network" or "detect disk" stages of the installation VNC starts to drop out
and the log file starts fill up with:

INFO  [c.c.c.AgentHookBase] (AgentManager-Handler-3:null) Re-authentication
result. vm: 8, host address: , port: -1

INFO  [c.c.c.AgentHookBase] (AgentManager-Handler-4:null) Re-authentication
request, ask host 1 for new console info

WARN  [c.c.h.x.r.CitrixResourceBase] (DirectAgent-251:ctx-852722b2) There
are no Consoles available to the vm : Template that allows VM installation
from Xen-aware Debian-based distros. To use this template from the CLI,
install your VM using vm-install, then set other-config-install-repository
to the path to your network repository, e.g. http://<server>/<path>

The VM eventually powers off.

Any idea why this happens and any idea if its possible to work around it?



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